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G O A L S. G O A L S What’s the difference between a dream and a goal? Dreams: I will learn Italian I will lose weight I will find a good job I will.

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Presentation on theme: "G O A L S. G O A L S What’s the difference between a dream and a goal? Dreams: I will learn Italian I will lose weight I will find a good job I will."— Presentation transcript:


2 G O A L S

3 What’s the difference between a dream and a goal?
Dreams: I will learn Italian I will lose weight I will find a good job I will be rich How can you change these dreams into goals?


5 Task: Change dreams into aims
I will learn Italian  I will pass a B1 certificate; I will be able to talk with Italians I will lose weight  I will wear clothes size M I will earn 5000zl a month I will find a good job 

6 Why do some people avoid setting goals?
some people resign before even trying fear of failure fear of success lack of knowledge people don’t appreciate the importance of aims it takes too much time to pursue your aims fulfilling an aim requires a change

7 S M A R T specific


9 S M A R T measurable


11 S M A R T achievable


13 S M A R T realistic


15 S M A R T time-bound


17 S M A R T E R exciting

18 S M A R T E R recorded


20 How much do you remember?
Watch a short overview:

Writing down your goals will help you to: achieve your aims more quickly and efficiently stay motivated check what actions you need to undertake prioritise remember better the most important infromation control which aims you have already fulfilled

22 How? Start with long-term aims. Think what you want to achieve in 30, 25 or 20 years. Think about all the important aspects of your life: family and friends, health, work, money, etc.. Start setting short-term aims – think what you want to achieve in 10, 5 years, in 1 year or a few months. Divide big goals into small tasks.

23 How? Write down your aims.
Take your time to choose the aims carefully. Find out the most important things before you make the final decision. Analyse the facts from different points of view. Listen to other people’s advice but… take decisions independently and on your own. Take responsibility for your decisions. Don’t hurt others.

24 Exercise: Set goals and small tasks to those dreams
I will learn Italian I will lose weight I will find a good job I will be rich

25 How to set and plan goals? – summary
Watch one of the following films: (5’ 26) (8’ 08) (38’ 07) (25’ 51) (20’ 35)

26 Task: Set your goals for the New Year/ new school year / new academic year / … (remember about small tasks)

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