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Introduce the product, and the team (us!)

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Presentation on theme: "Introduce the product, and the team (us!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduce the product, and the team (us!)
BID Fall 2008 | John Zimmerman Steve Hillenius | Jiwoo Suh | James Liu

2 Ever wanted to know exactly what your partner is thinking?
Wouldn’t you want to know exactly what your partner is thinking or feeling? Imagine all the problems it would solve. Now if we had a technology that help couples know exactly what each other is thinking… would they want it? How does technology play in their relationship? ... We brought this question out to our users… Our ad pitch. Go into the problem that young married couples are dealing with. Gift giving is a stressful experience, especially for young couples. They have a limited idea of what each other likes and needs, and are extremely busy. This can easily cause relationship problems and much of it is out of their control. Our product, SearchLight, solves these problems. SearchLight assists couples in gift giving, by providing product recommendations based on each other’s likes and needs. Couples can see how each other view their purchased products as well as new tagged items they’re interested in. Finally, through SearchLight couples gain understanding with the overall goal of relationship reinforcement. Ever wanted to know exactly what your partner is thinking?

3 RESEARCH / FINDINGS BID Fall 2008 | John Zimmerman
Steve Hillenius | Jiwoo Suh | James Liu

4 Our Focus Target Group: Initial Focus: Initial Idea:
Married Couple with no kids Newly-weds Initial Focus: “How do you divide the chores and labor in the household?” Initial Idea: Chores are sources of relationship conflict Make sure to discuss initial focus and findings with user research, make sure to emphasize that our initial concept that chores were issues for conflict

5 Our Findings User Observations: Final Focus:
Chores not sources of conflict Chores seen as menial tasks Chores are flashpoints for emotional issues Real life problems are more important Final Focus: Increasing awareness of your partner’s feelings Make sure to discuss CI results and the research we did, note that our original concept of relationship problems were false, chores are not the issue only the flashpoint for the issues to come out, real life problems are real issues, bad day at work, bored with your job, issues with each other, maybe sex life, etc…, family issues

6 Concept Validation Ideation & Bodystorming: Focus Groups: 7 Scenarios
Generated 30 ideas Focus Groups: Pitched 8 Ideas Make sure to discuss CI results and the research we did, note that our original concept of relationship problems were false, chores are not the issue only the flashpoint for the issues to come out, real life problems are real issues, bad day at work, bored with your job, issues with each other, maybe sex life, etc…, family issues

7 Rejected Concept Cone of Silence
“No way! We wouldn’t have learned about how to fix it if we had that” “We cannot rely on the cone of silence [to solve our problems]” Cone of Silence Has there been a time during a heated argument that you wanted a more civil dialog? Deliberately limits or hinders communication

8 Accepted Concept Shopping Aid
“This is fantastic, we have a hard time getting gifts for each other” “A heat map, that would be great!” Shopping Aid Have you ever had a hard time finding a gift that your partner likes? Originally showing exactly what they wanted, in essence, exactly what they were thinking. This took all the joy out of this experience. Utilitarian Issue: Do not remove gift buying experience.

9 So what do they want? Needs Solution Be in Control
Support Communication Serve their relationship Device can’t make decisions for them Device can’t remove or reduce opportunities for communication Device needs to have utility Make sure to discuss CI results and the research we did, note that our original concept of relationship problems were false, chores are not the issue only the flashpoint for the issues to come out, real life problems are real issues, bad day at work, bored with your job, issues with each other, maybe sex life, etc…, family issues

10 DESIGN OPPORTUNITY BID Fall 2008 | John Zimmerman
Steve Hillenius | Jiwoo Suh | James Liu

11 Shopping Aid Young Married Couples: Solution: Gift giving experience
Problems shopping for one another Solution: Support mutual needs Couples gain understanding Reinforce their relationship Our ad pitch. Go into the problem that young married couples are dealing with. Gift giving is a stressful experience, especially for young couples. They have a limited idea of what each other likes and needs, and are extremely busy. This can easily cause relationship problems and much of it is out of their control. Our product, SearchLight, solves these problems. SearchLight assists couples in gift giving, by providing product recommendations based on each other’s likes and needs. Couples can see how each other view their purchased products as well as new tagged items they’re interested in. Finally, through SearchLight couples gain understanding with the overall goal of relationship reinforcement.

12 Shopping Aid Shared Preference Different Preference
Make sure to discuss CI results and the research we did, note that our original concept of relationship problems were false, chores are not the issue only the flashpoint for the issues to come out, real life problems are real issues, bad day at work, bored with your job, issues with each other, maybe sex life, etc…, family issues Shared Preference Different Preference

13 Shopping Aid Shared Preference Proposed Solution
Make sure to discuss CI results and the research we did, note that our original concept of relationship problems were false, chores are not the issue only the flashpoint for the issues to come out, real life problems are real issues, bad day at work, bored with your job, issues with each other, maybe sex life, etc…, family issues Shared Preference Proposed Solution

14 FINAL DESIGN BID Fall 2008 | John Zimmerman
Steve Hillenius | Jiwoo Suh | James Liu

15 SearchLight Make sure to discuss CI results and the research we did, note that our original concept of relationship problems were false, chores are not the issue only the flashpoint for the issues to come out, real life problems are real issues, bad day at work, bored with your job, issues with each other, maybe sex life, etc…, family issues

16 SearchLight Overview: Product Goals: Self Recommendations
Partner Recommendations Mutual Ratings Location Based Product Goals: Assist the gift buying experience Couples gain understanding of each others likes Bring their preferences and choices together What does searchlight give to the user? SearchLight gives users the ability of individual product recommendation, although its real focus are gift product recommendations. Ratings are mutual, linked between you and your partner. It also has location based information that guides the user to products in your area as well as even in your store. Then the goals of having this technology, assisting the gift buying experience is actually very minor, the fact that our product can be used to gain understanding of each other will ultimately reinforce their relationship.

17 Technology Forms: Data Sources: Software Service on mobile device
Hardware enabled store (Infrared beacons) Data Sources: Purchasing History Tagged Items Local Store Inventory Personal Ratings Partner’s Ratings Discuss the technology, vision based matching with a camera enabled cell phone, infrared beacons located throughout the store. As well as the data sources it uses for the recommendations.

18 VIDEO SKETCH BID Fall 2008 | John Zimmerman
Steve Hillenius | Jiwoo Suh | James Liu

19 THANK YOU + Questions? Introduce the product, and the team (us!)
BID Fall 2008 | John Zimmerman Steve Hillenius | Jiwoo Suh | James Liu

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