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Final Internship Presentation Amal Ahmed AlHashmi

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Presentation on theme: "Final Internship Presentation Amal Ahmed AlHashmi"— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Internship Presentation Amal Ahmed AlHashmi 200915852

2 Executive Affairs Authority
Organization Executive Affairs Authority

3 About The Organization
Mission Statement Reporting solely to the Chairman of the Executive Council, the Executive Affairs Authority of Abu Dhabi will: Identify future policy requirements Develop policy recommendations Incubate and implement policy Act as a strategic counsel resource for government departments when necessary Provide independent insights and recommendations relating to the performance of government in the delivery of policy implementation Consist of the highest caliber of personnel in their respective policy fields Continuously evolve and update as an organization, depending on the requirements

4 About The Organization
The Executive Affairs Authority (EAA): Specialized government agency Provide strategic policy advice and support Chairman of Abu Dhabi’s Executive Council Number of employees 60 Government

5 About The Organization
The Executive Affairs Authority consists of five specialized advisory units: Economic and Energy Affairs Government Affairs Legal and Risk Management Affairs Strategic Affairs Strategic Communication Affairs

6 About The Organization
Strategic Communication Affairs Through the Strategic Communications Affairs (SCA) Unit, the Executive Affairs Authority provides advice to the Chairman of the Executive Council on significant communications matters across all portfolios of Government in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

7 Tasks/Assignments Media monitoring Comments or Suggestions Edit
Abu Dhabi/Sheikhs Abu Dhabi AND Singapore Comments or Suggestions Abu Dhabi Awards website UAE’s National Day book Edit Document Report a TV program Write notes Translate Screening for Abu Dhabi Awards Write the list of names, and prepare the invitations for ADA Iftar

8 Reem Al Shemari The whole team Give tasks Guide me
My Supervisor Reem Al Shemari The whole team Give tasks Guide me

9 Perfect English Short notices Media monitoring New environment
Challenges Perfect English Short notices Media monitoring New environment

10 Due dates New terms COB RFP Reports Websites
Learning Outcomes Due dates New terms COB RFP Reports Websites


12 Before Graduation More work placement experiences
Be done with all university courses before interning

13 Young and Ambitious Organized Friendly Always busy
Overall Evaluation Young and Ambitious Organized Friendly Always busy

14 How the internship has affected your career objectives ?

15 Thank you for listening

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