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Interactive Teaching and Student Response System (SRS)

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive Teaching and Student Response System (SRS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive Teaching and Student Response System (SRS)
Dr. Ahmed Elsayed Teaching Fellow in Economics Inaugural Learning and Teaching Conference, Durham University, 13th September 2016

2 Outline Introduction: Traditional Lecture Good and Bad Lecture
Interactive Lecture Interactive Teaching Techniques Interactive Teaching and Student Response System Benefits of Student Response System Summary

3 Lecturing. . . . Lecture is the duct-tape of the teaching world
Lecturing delivers “concepts” It delivers a lot of information in a short amount of time Conveys information that is difficult to present in another way

4 Lecturing Good Lecture Bad Lecture VS

5 What makes a bad lecture?
Problems with traditional lectures: Focus on content to be ‘covered’ Not enough focus on student learning Lack of engagement with students Can be dull, boring, repetitive Focus on transfer- rather than application of information (Passive learning) Passive learning leads to forgotten concepts No useful, timely feedback

6 Signs of bad lecture…. Lengthy Endless Continuous Torture with
Unending Repetition of Explanations

7 What makes a good lecture?
Focus on enhancing student learning Participation. Motivation Understanding Large group friendly Non-threatening to learners Inspirational to listeners

8 Interactive Lecture Tips for a good lecture?
Do not talk for the whole hour! Diminishing returns Comprehension and learning declines Attention wanes Give students things to do that aid their learning Encourage participation Interactive Lecture

9 What is an Interactive lecture?
Class in which the instructor breaks the lecture so that… students participate and communicate with peers and teachers through… Engagement activities

10 Interactive Teaching Techniques
Blank slide ConcepTest Think/Pair/Share Note Review Buzz Session Case Study etc… for more activities, see: qu.html

11 Interactive Teaching Using the Student Response System (SRS)

12 Student Response System
Software (TurningPoint) An interactive PowerPoint – integrates into Microsoft® PowerPoint to create & present interactive questions to display data charts and graphs in real-time to report and manage data Can be downloaded from Response devices: Students participate by submitting responses response cards (clickers) using a response receiver phone or computer using Internet-connection

13 Lecture Environment Benefits?
Attendance improved Attention improved Anonymity facilitates increased participation Increased engagement

14 Learning Benefits? Increased interaction/participation
Increased quantity & quality of discussion Enhance student understanding Test student’s knowledge and/or understanding Provide immediate feedback Contingent teaching: modification based on learners’ responses

15 Summary Telling is not teaching, nor is listening learning.
You must engage participants in learning activities that lead to a higher level of understanding and result in the participant's ability to apply what he learned. Interactive teaching is a two-way process of active participant engagement with each other, the facilitator, and the content.

16 Thank you!

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