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Tiered Approach Coaching

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1 Tiered Approach Coaching
Center for Inclusive Child Care Community of Practice July 28, 2016

2 Inclusion Supports Coordinator will do the intake and determine the tier level. All of our work will be called coaching. We will not be using the term Consultation/Consulting any longer.

3 Intake will involve a few questions that provide a baseline of the provider’s skill level when coaching begins(still to be determined). The tier level will be noted on the intake form. A provider is able to move through different tiers if the coach and coordinator see a need.

4 Tier 1 6-10 hours This level is similar to our consultation level.
All non- Parent Aware sites automatically fall in this tier. The coach observes the child in the setting 2-3 times. The coach meets with the provider and talks with parents to gather information about the child’s needs and the provider’s hopes/needs. The coach compiles a written Coaching Observation and Recommendations and shares a copy with each staff/provider(s), the director, and the parents. The coach spends the remaining visits modeling the strategies-hands on. The coach sets up a meeting to go over the report with the team and parents and discusses ‘next steps’. These ‘next steps’ include follow up phone calls and for a period of 2 months or longer if the provider initiates contact due to questions or concerns.

5 Tier hours This level will be used for most of our coaching requests working on PA rating. The coach observes the child in the setting 2-3 times. The coach meets with the provider and talks with parents to gather information about the child’s needs and the provider’s hopes/needs. The coach compiles a written Coaching Observations and Recommendations and shares a copy with each staff/provider(s), the director, and the parents. The coach sets up a meeting to go over the report with the team and parents and discusses ‘next steps’. The coach sets up regular visits to provide hands-on modeling of suggested strategies in the setting, meets with provider, connects with parents. When 15 hours is reached the coach will make follow up phone calls and for a period of 2 months or longer if the provider initiates contact due to questions or concerns.

6 Tier hours The coach observes the child in the setting 2-3 times. The coach meets with the provider and talks with parents to gather information about the child’s needs and the provider’s hopes/needs. The coach compiles a written Coaching Observations and Recommendations and shares a copy with each staff/provider(s), the director, and the parents. The coach sets up a meeting to go over the report with the team and parents and discusses ‘next steps’. The coach sets up regular visits to provide hands-on modeling of suggested strategies in the setting, meets with provider, connects with parents. The visits and support continues due to the high needs of the child or the high needs of the provider. When the 30 hours are reached the coach will continue to check in once a month via or phone, visit if needed for a period of 2 months.

7 Clarification on the Coaching Observations and Recommendations written report …
The report should be written and shared when the coach has determined helpful strategies and suggestions. It does not need to be done right at the ‘end’ of the coaching process. The report should be in the format you were given, one font, professionally written (gauge the provider and the most useful way to present your recommendations-you can use bullet points). The ideal situation would be to meet with the parents and team face to face to go over the report, this is not always possible unfortunately. Questions?

8 Relationship with the provider….
Is always key to our work Is built through communication on a regular basis Is about being available as a coach Is about doing more than just providing resources and reports Is a forever bond

9 Debriefing at the close of each visit- New form, key step to success…
Coaching Visit Feedback Form-half sheet Filled out before you leave each visit Ideally you fill is out as you are talking with the provider however this is often challenging If you cannot fill it out with the provider you can fill it out as you observe but be sure to walk through it with the provider in some way before leaving Give a copy to the provider so they can keep them together for all of the visits. This will support retention of what you have shared, is strengths based, provides clarity, provides direction and a pathway for success

10 Goals for the coaching:
What I noticed you doing: What I noticed the children doing: Nugget-tip: What you can practice until next visit:

11 Questions?

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