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Chapter One Hunger This chapter is called Hunger.

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2 Chapter One Hunger This chapter is called Hunger.
Knowing what you do from the blurb, what do you predict this chapter will be about?

3 Chapter One The Famine How is the famine presented to the reader?
How does Eily remember first finding out about the famine? What information do we get in this chapter about the famine? How does Marita Conlon McKenna describe living in times of famine? Investigate: What year do you think this story is set? Why?

4 Chapter One Mary-Kate Conway What kind of a character is Mary-Kate?
How does Mary-Kate help the community? What does Mary-Kate give the children for Bridget? What else does Mary-Kate give to the children? How do you think they feel receiving this?

5 Chapter One Father “It is two weeks since your father went to work on the roads, and still no word from him”.- Mother Where is father? What was “work on the roads”?

6 Chapter One Visualisation Time to draw!
Using the descriptions in chapter one, draw the cottage that Eily and her family live in.


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