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Aaker, Kumar, Day Ninth Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides

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1 Aaker, Kumar, Day Ninth Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides
Marketing Research Aaker, Kumar, Day Ninth Edition Instructor’s Presentation Slides

2 Information Collection: Qualitative and Observational Methods
Chapter Eight Information Collection: Qualitative and Observational Methods Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

3 Marketing Research Marketing Research Primary Secondary Qualitative
Quantitative Qualitative Quantitative Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

4 Information Collection : Qualitative and Observational Methods
Qualitative Methods Recommended to capture the basic feel of a problem prior to conducting more analytical study Observational Methods Limited to providing information on current behavior Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

5 Qualitative Research Methods
Exploratory Conducted primarily to explicitly define the problem and formulate hypotheses Orientation To learn more about target customer (e.g. Culture, language) Clinical To gain insights into topics that are difficult in a structured research Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

6 Qualitative Research Methods
Four major constraints: Volume of data Complexity of analysis Detail of clarification record Time-consuming nature of the clerical efforts required Computer technology helps alleviate these problems and increase the use of qualitative research Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

7 Use of Computers in Qualitative Research
Transmitting Storing Coding Searching and Retrieving Building Relationships Matrix Building Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

8 Individual In-depth Interviews
Nondirective interviews Respondent given maximum freedom to respond Semi-structured or focused individual interviews Covers a specific list of topics or sub-areas Individual in-depth interview techniques Laddering Hidden-issue Symbolic Analysis Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

9 Focus Group Discussions
Offers participants more stimulation than an interview; makes new ideas and meaningful comments more likely Issues to be addressed: Outlining the intended direction of the group Explaining how participants were recruited Re-educating observers on the concepts of random selection, statistical reliability, and projectability of research results Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

10 Focus Group Discussions
Source: Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

11 Types of Focus Groups Exploratory Focus Groups Clinical Focus Groups
Used in the exploratory phase of the market research process Used for generating the hypotheses for testing Clinical Focus Groups Based on the premise that an individual's true feelings and motivations are subconscious in nature Experiencing Focus Groups Allows the researcher to experience the emotional framework in which the product is being used Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

12 Key Factors for Focus Group Success
Planning the Agenda Recruitment Moderator Analysis and Interpretation of the Results Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

13 Ten Tips for Running a Successful Focus Group
You can never do too much planning for a focus group Manage the recruitment process actively to get the right people in the groups Don’t prejudge the participants based on physical appearance The best focus group moderators bring objectivity and expertise to a project Achieving research objectives does not guarantee a successful group project The moderator and client should coordinate their efforts at all stages of the process for the research to achieve its objectives Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

14 Ten Tips for Running a Successful Focus Group (cont.)
Most client organizations conduct more focus groups than are necessary to achieve the research objective One of the most important services a moderator can provide is a fast report turnaround 9. Client observers should be thoroughly briefed about research objectives before the sessions start 10. The most valuable service a moderator can provide is objective conclusions based on the interpretations of the research, without regard for what the client wants to hear Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

15 Trends in Focus Groups Telephone Focus Groups Video Conference
Two-way focus groups Online focus groups Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

16 Projective Techniques
Presentation of an ambiguous, unstructured object, activity, or person that a respondent is asked to interpret and explain. Categories of Projective Techniques: Word Association Completion Test Picture Interpretation Third Person Techniques Role Playing Case Studies Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

17 Limitations of Qualitative Methods
Potential susceptibility of the results to get misused or misinterpreted Results not necessarily representative of the whole population Moderator or interviewer's role is extremely critical and can lead to ambiguous or misleading results Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

18 Observational Methods
Casual Observation Systematic Observation Direct Observation Contrived Observation Content Analysis Physical Trace Measures Humanistic Inquiry Behavior Recording Devices Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

19 Limitations of Observational Methods
Cannot be used to observe motives, attitudes or intentions More costly and time consuming May yield biased results if there are sampling problems or if significant observant subjectivity is involved Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

20 Recent Applications of Qualitative and Observational Methods
Talking Shopper program by Pathfinder Research Group Virtual Customers system for evaluating service quality On-site observation to observe and learn customer purchase decisions as they are being made Marketing Research 9th Edition Aaker, Kumar, Day

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