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Interest Groups and Lobbyists

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1 Interest Groups and Lobbyists

2 Interest Groups Interest Groups are a type of linkage institution
They are an organization of people whose members share policy views on specific issues, and attempt to influence policy.

3 Interest Groups and Political Parties
Political parties nominate candidates, contest elections, and try to gain control over government, interest groups simply want to influence public policy Political Parties focus on a wide rage of issues, but interest groups have a much narrower focus.

4 Types of Interest Groups
Business Groups Labor Groups Agricultural Groups Professional Associations Environment Groups Public Interest Groups Equality Interests Single issue groups

5 Lobbying Lobbying Congress – Testify in committees and provide members with information Lobbying the President – Meet with the president and aids of the president Lobbying the Courts – File lawsuits and amicus briefs

6 PAC Interest groups may start a political action committee
PACs raise money for contributions to candidates. PAC money is limited SUPER PACS and large, and go around FEC rules to raise often unlimited amounts of money. Citizens United v. FEC – Corporations can start PACs because limiting them from doing so if a violation of free speech.

7 Shaping Public Opinion
Interest groups launch media campaigns They use grass roots lobbying by members of communities Hold Protests

8 Interest Groups Large groups have advantages, but have free-riders
Benefits can be offered to encourage people to join.

9 Interest Groups and American Democracy
Interest Groups and political parties are factions. Hamilton warned us about them in Federalist 10. Elite Theory – The elite and rich control the government. Pluralist Theory – Groups compete for power and balance each other out. Hyperpluralist – There are to many groups and nothing is getting done.

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