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Gary Hughes, South Oakleigh College

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1 Gary Hughes, South Oakleigh College
The SDLC and the SDC: a brief introduction For VCE Software Development ¾, 2009 Gary Hughes, South Oakleigh College

2 SDLC overview Systems development life cycle (SDLC); - Analysis.
- Design. - Development. - Implementation. - Evaluation. A process by which a systems analyst analyses and designs a new information system to suit a particular purpose

3 SDLC overview Lots of versions exist – the only one that matters is the one in the study design Often drawn as a ‘circle’ however, the time between cycles is often quite long Different ways of implementing it: Waterfall model Agile model

4 Waterfall model Classic version of the SDLC In practice, not practical
No feedback or iterative processes Each stage is carried out to completion before moving to the next That is, once analysis is done, design stage begins and so on What if the client wishes to make changes or adjustments after the design phase has passed?

5 Agile model Practical version, often used.
Works on smaller iterations of the SDLC. Involves more interaction with the users of the system. Feedback gathered at the conclusion of each stage. May result in stage being performed again or moving up the cycle instead of down. Takes longer, but with better results.

6 SDLC: Analysis SDLC: Analysis;
Preliminary investigation, reasons for change. Feasibility study: is it worth fixing?; Collect data: measure, count, survey, interview, observe, research, test, study. Processes. What is the problem? Assumptions. Scope.

7 SDLC: Design SDLC: Design; Logical design & physical design.
Alternative solutions? Data structures, input, output, processing required, validation rules, storage requirements. Interfaces. Hardware, software needs. Backup, security requirements. Employee needs, requirements. Assessing alternative design solutions

8 SDLC: Development, Implementation and Evaluation
SDLC: Development, Implementation, Evaluation; Development. Components are purchased. Software is written (if necessary). System is assembled. Implementation. Putting the new system in place. Training. Evaluation. Solves stated problems?

9 SDC Software Development Cycle (SDC);
Occurs within development stage of SDLC. Stages: Analysis. Design. Development. Testing. Documentation. Evaluation.

10 SDC: Analysis Software Development Cycle (SDC): Analysis
Defining the problem. Requirements, scope, available resources. Project plan, time frame, programmers assigned to particular parts of the project. Choice of programming language. Compiled / interpreted. Low-level, high-level. Object-orientated (OO). Hardware factors affecting software design.

11 SDC: Design Software Development Cycle (SDC): Design;
Method: Top-down, bottom-up, RAD, prototyping, EUD. Algorithms: flowcharts, NS diagrams, pseudo-code. Desk checks. File management. Data structures.

12 SDC: Development and Testing
Software Development Cycle (SDC): Development; Good programming practice / conventions. ‘Standard algorithms’. Software Development Cycle (SDC): Testing; Testing Tables. Selecting test data. Alpha testing (or white box). Beta testing (or black box). Quality assurance: developer testing. Acceptance testing: client testing.

13 SDC: Documentation Software Development Cycle (SDC): Documentation;
Types. User guide. Technical reference manual. Installation manual. Quick start guide. Help guide, troubleshooting. Procedures manual. Forms. Print, On-line, Video, Poster.

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