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Center-Based Classrooms
Using the Teacher Guide, Publications, and Internet Resources for Center-Based Catechesis Bonnie Shelton and Lynn Southall The Catholic Church of the Transfiguration Marietta, Georgia
Introduction We began using classroom centers because we had 3 adults in the classroom, and it just made sense to divide and conquer. Another facet was that we were better able to work more 1 on 1 in a smaller group. Second grade covers so much, and it enabled us to keep up with their progress. Basically, we developed 3 center activities for each lesson; one covered vocabulary and the chapter review, one involved a take home craft to reinforce a concept introduced in the day’s lesson, and the last activity could be a game or another activity. This allows students to move around after a short amount of time (10-15 minutes). We could also choose which students remained together which decreased the distractions. Since we were teaching second grade all centers were teacher directed as some students were still learning to read. If you have a smaller class size and only one co-teacher, centers may involve vocabulary and chapter review while the other center involves a game or other learning activity. Crafts are done with the whole class since they are easily directed and students can help each other with the tasks if the adult is with another child. Should you have some extra time, always have a plan. We use a tri-fold board with pictures of each chapter’s main idea. This can be used as a quick review, and it is a great way to reinforce concepts. Another way is by asking questions, such as: What did God say to you today? What are you thankful for? OR What is one good thing that happened today? Who or what would you like to pray for? How did you show love today? Students enjoy sharing what their day was like or what they did.
Opening Prayer As we always do with our classes, let’s begin this session with a lovely catechist prayer from the Loyola Press website.
Catechetical Theme – 2017-18 Living as Missionary Disciples
As a Church, we are called to be missionary disciples who know and live the faith and confidently share the Gospel. The journey of evangelization has as its center the proclamation of Jesus Christ and an invitation to deeper missionary discipleship.
Curriculum Established by Parish Director of Religious Education and/or Board of Education and approved by the Pastor. Present the materials you are given to present as they are written. Most major publishers design a curriculum that introduces and revisits concepts and vocabulary from one year to the next to broaden and deepen the knowledge and experience of the children. For this class, we are using the second grade edition of Finding God, Our Response to God’s Gifts, Parish Edition, published by Loyola Press. Other publisher resources will have similar characteristics. Second Grade Focus: I am the True Vine, Eucharist and Reconciliation
Prayer & visuals for Bible reading, and lesson overview on Power Point
Setting Up a Center-Based Classroom Arrival, arrival activity,10 minutes prior to class time through first 5 minutes of class time; Opening prayer, Bible reading, and lesson overview next 25 minutes. Ten minutes at each station, until time for closing prayer and room clean up and dismissal. Prayer & visuals for Bible reading, and lesson overview on Power Point TV, Poster, White board, etc. Table 5-6 chairs Station 1, Review Station 3, Lesson Adjunct Table 5-6 chairs Prayer Table Table 5-6 chairs Station 2, Activity Suggested activity center set up for religious education classroom. Arrival – children take their seats at their “assigned tables.” Begins 10 minutes before class and continues until 5 minutes after scheduled start time. Opening Prayer – children move to the floor area by the prayer table. The opening prayer should include the prayer the students should learn during the current school year and all those prayers for previous years. Prayers should be presented either on a PowerPoint presentation or poster. Not all of the students in your class will have learned all the prayers yet. Be sure to include both the parish intentions for the month and the children’s intentions. 10 minutes. Lesson: Whichever method you choose to present the lesson, the lesson activity should take 20 minutes. Bathroom break. Students leave the classroom with one catechist – the other catechist sets up the activity tables. 2-3 centers can be used depending on number of catechists and aids as well as the number of students. Allow 5-10 minutes per activity depending upon available time. Students can take home activities to complete them. Clean up classroom, return tables and chairs to their appropriate storage sites. Closing prayer – allow 5 minutes. The closing should include the prayer the students should learn during the current school year and all those prayers for previous years. Students begin in chairs with arrival activity (coloring sheet or activity sheet) and remain in these spaces for opening prayer, Bible reading, and lesson overview. Students then rotate among the stations. Station 1: Vocabulary and lesson review using text. Station 2: Week’s hands-on activity. Station 3: Saint/Holy Day/Peace and Justice Issue/Liturgy, etc. Different each week.
Part 1. Lesson Planning for a Center-Based Classroom
Lesson planning for a center-based classroom is not very different than other lesson plans, the difference lies in the division of the classroom into smaller, manageable groups.
Components of a Lesson Plan
Objective: Measurable Opening Experience: Arrival Activity: Be ready to go with an activity as students arrive Opening Prayer: From text or prayers to be memorized Message/Lesson Presentation: Present lesson from book as written Break Discovery/Activities: Reinforce information being presented Review Hands-On Activity Additional Activity/Game/Saint Presentation/Upcoming Holy Day Presentation Closing Prayer: Prayers to be memorized Dismissal
Steps in Lesson Planning
Read the children’s lesson, noting key words Read the Catechist Preparation section Read the catechist suggestions surrounding the children’s lesson and determine what you want to use. Research additional activities, etc., on the internet and in publications Develop PowerPoint and/or teaching pictures for children to view while you present lesson Prepare hands-on materials
Lesson 1, God Creates Us Theme: God created the world to show us how much he loves us. Scripture References: 1 Timothy 4:4 and Genesis 1:1-31 Key Words: Eucharist, holy, Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation Prayers: Glory Be to the Father and the Sacrament of the Eucharist
Plan Lesson Presentation
Read the lesson in the children’s textbook. Read the lesson presentation notes in the teacher textbook. Identify teaching methods/tips from teacher text If needed, research additional materials on the internet or books/publications Prepare PowerPoint Presentation or teaching pictures Make notes on lesson planning sheet Identify activities for Centers Center 1, Review Center 2, Creation Game Center 3
Plan Lesson Presentation
Read the lesson in the children’s textbook. Read the lesson presentation notes in the teacher textbook. Identify teaching methods/tips from teacher text If needed, research additional materials on the internet or books/publications Prepare PowerPoint Presentation or teaching pictures Make notes on lesson planning sheet Identify activities for Centers Center 1, Review Center 2, Creation Game Center 3
Plan Lesson Presentation
Read the lesson in the children’s textbook. Read the lesson presentation notes in the teacher textbook. Identify teaching methods/tips from teacher text If needed, research additional materials on the internet or books/publications Prepare PowerPoint Presentation or teaching pictures Make notes on lesson planning sheet Identify activities for Centers Center 1, Review Center 2, Creation Game Center 3
Elementary Lesson Planning – Useful Websites
Catechist Websites Publisher Websites Internet Resources Pinterest: Danielle’s Place: Christian Games and Crafts: The Catholic Toolbox: Loyola Press: Skip to My Lou: Catholic Icing; Catechist Magazine: Religion Teachers Journal Magazine: DLTK’s Crafts for Kids:
Plan Lesson Presentation
Read the lesson in the children’s textbook. Read the lesson presentation notes in the teacher textbook. Identify teaching methods/tips from teacher text Prepare PowerPoint Presentation or teaching pictures Make notes on lesson planning sheet Identify activities for Centers Center 1, Review Center 2, Creation Game Center 3
Plan Lesson Presentation
Read the lesson in the children’s textbook. Read the lesson presentation notes in the teacher textbook. Identify teaching methods/tips from teacher text Prepare PowerPoint Presentation or teaching pictures Make notes on lesson planning sheet Identify activities for Centers Center 1, Review Center 2, Creation Game Center 3
Plan Lesson Presentation
Read the lesson in the children’s textbook. Read the lesson presentation notes in the teacher textbook. Identify teaching methods/tips from teacher text Prepare PowerPoint Presentation or teaching pictures Make notes on lesson planning sheet Identify activities for Centers Center 1, Review Center 2, Creation Game Center 3, Trinity Triangle
Final Touches on Lesson Preparation
Assemble materials Review PowerPoint
Presenting a Lesson in a Center-Based Classroom
Things to Consider in Lesson Presentation
Establish Class Rules Be ready; establish classroom rules (Golden Rule); refer behavior problems to DRE after 1-2 attempts to change One of the handouts we gave you is from Skylight Training and Publishing. This tool can help you think about your classroom climate. It’s a list of questions you might consider as you are creating your classroom procedures.
Be Ready – before they arrive
Utmost of importance: Be ready when the students arrive. Have the materials set out, including those to be used later in the class time. Establish a prayer center to focus the students during prayer time.
Present the Lesson Two formats:
Students and catechist read along in student text together. Use PowerPoint presentation, chalkboard, or posters/pictures as focal point for students while catechist presents lesson material. One catechist takes students for a drink of water or bathroom break and the other resets the classroom for activities.
Arrival Activity Welcome. We are so glad you are here.
Please go to your assigned seat. Today’s activity is waiting for you. Please answer the questions and draw the pictures. Greet the children as they arrive. Sometimes arrival can be hectic, so post the arrival instructions. Before beginning with the opening prayer, review the answers the children have written as a group.
God, Our Creator and Father
Finding God, Grade 2, Session 1 Today we are going to talk about God, our Creator and Father. Our lesson today will help us better understand how much God loves us. God creates everything out of love for us. God’s creation is good and we must care for it. God, Our Creator and Father
Opening prayer In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God, help me know that you make all things so that I can see how good and wonderful you are. Remember our parish intentions for this month: Let’s take a moment to feel calm and quietly at peace. Let’s pray together and ask God to help us learn about what he makes. Close your eyes and fold your hands.
Opening prayer Let’s pray for our own intentions for those who are ill or have died or are in need of special prayers and for things for which we are grateful. Children and catechists are invited to speak their intentions. We thank you God for this opportunity to be together. We ask the Holy Spirit to guide us as we listen to today’s lesson. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen Following opening prayer, distribute Session 1 pages from student text.
God Creates us God help me know that you make all things so that I can see how good and wonderful you are. Review teaching notes on page 3 of teacher text to determine presentation of ideas. NOTE: Prayer section included above.
Our loving God Review notes on page 4 to determine how you will present the material. Everything that God makes is good. We are thankful for all God has given us.
God’s blessings God wants all people to love and care for one another and for the creation he has created. Review notes on page 5 to determine how you will present the material.
Prayer Glory Be to the Father Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Review notes on page 6 to determine how you will present the material.
Thanking god for creation
Review notes on page 7 to determine how you will present the material.
summary Because God loves us, he made many things. All of them are good. New Words: Eucharist; holy, Sacrament of Reconciliation and Penance Thank you, God, for all you have made. Help me love you by taking care of your creation. Review notes on page 8 to determine how you will present the material.
Break One catechist takes children for bathroom break or drink of water. Second catechist sets up centers for next part of lesson.
Activity Centers Center 1: Review Center 2: What Did God Make? game
Center 3: Trinity Triangle Review Center: In text or on-line chapter assessment. Vocabulary cards: Reinforce vocabulary words. Center 2: Game play – What Did God Make? Use this center to reinforce all the wonderful things God has done for us . God creates everything out of love for us. God’s creation is good and we must care for it. Center 3: Trinity Triangle craft. The three interconnected sticks form a single unity, just as the Holy Trinity is three persons in one. Use this activity to reinforce that: God is three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit are the three Persons of the Trinity. Practice praying the Sign of the Cross. Eucharist The sacrament in which we give thanks to God for giving us Jesus Christ.
Prepare for departure Put teaching materials away.
Straighten furniture, etc., if you are required to do so. Gather materials that students will take home with them. Focus children’s attention on the Prayer Center.
Closing Prayer
Sign of the Cross In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Our Father Our Father, Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Blessed are you among women,
Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Act of Contrition O my God,
I am heartily sorry for having offended you. And I detest all my sins because of your just punishment. But most of all because they offend you my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to sin no more and avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen
Sign of the Cross In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Eucharist The sacrament in which we give thanks to God for giving us Jesus Christ. Center 1 - Review Chapter Test/Review from student text On-line assessment Key Words
Center 2 – Activity or Craft
Center 3 – Additional Activity Related to Lesson or Saint or Holy Day or Season
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