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SGS for OUSIM Meeting goals:

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Presentation on theme: "SGS for OUSIM Meeting goals:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SGS for OUSIM Meeting goals:
1- Prepare documents for the review process (Mai 2013) : - Define deliverables of OUSIM (code and images) - Define OUSIM input to SWGs group - Agree on input needs from each Ous 2- Agree on OUSIM data model (used as interface between different groups) 3- Implementation of prototype =code working in the SGS configuration =>SDC

2 OUSIM interfaces and WPs


4 Interfaces with instrument/SWG/Ous/ST
Documents (included needs, requirements, and tracability) Data model document Interface WPs (identified group of people from ST, DM, Instrument, SWG, OUs) OUSIM products and tasks (WPs)

5 OUSIM interface documents
Input Simulation Requirement doc SWG OUSIM Simulation Requirement doc source galaxy Stars sky Extinction Cosmic absorption instruments mission Telescope VIS NISP OUs Parameters Data/images Input pipeline configuration catalogs Output Data model description Tracability (from GDPRD verification to Ous to OUSIM

6 Interfaces data model The data model is used as an interface EMA SWG
Instrument models IDB Data model description catalogs Instrument software ? OUSIM OUs

7 OUSIM products OUSIM will manage input and output to satisfy the request from the different groups, allowing specific levels of complexity and size Official data releases: delivery of final images Programmed simulations increasing in complexity and area. Include all instrument products and final releases should reach large survey area coverage. Entry of E2E validation Prototype of implementation + development plan for May 2013 On demand simulations: delivery and management of codes: Smaller simulations for validation or pipeline development can be run directly by groups or by OUSIM.

8 OUSIM pipelines and products
Input field catalog Instrument models OUs simulators Analytic Models (ETC like) Image simulator ‘Fast’ image simulator Ous simulator Processing ‘Raw’ images Pipeline OU level1 ‘calibrated’ images OUVis OUNir OUSir OUSHE OUPHZ OUSPE OUMER OULE3 Pipeline OU level 2 Ouptut catalogs OUSIM

9 Top level tasks Use the data model to interface each WPS prototype
Building input source catalogs identify the needed informations Identify tools to buid a large mock catalog list existing catalogs /Ous for dedicatd tests Building sky simulation Astrophysical information linked to a field (star, QSO?,…) Sky models (zodiacal, extinction,cosmic …) field simulator Building mission models survey model Instrument models (Tel, VIS, NISP) Building simulators pixel level simulator of level 1 data Other products to simulate level 2 and level 3 data (images and catalogs) (new) prototype prototype prototypes

10 Source catalogs Task: provide mock catalogs with galaxies and all needed properties Library of existing catalogs Task: identify the catalogs needed from each Ous Product: -Prepare a library of existing catalogs -define objects properties for the data model Subgroup = OUs contact. Build test catalogs… from mock catalog Task : identify tools to produce the OUSIM input requirements source catalog for large simulation (clustering, lensing ..) Product: mock prototype(s) : use existing N body catalogs Contact SWGsim

11 Building the sky Sky simulator
Task = construction of a representative ‘observed’ EUCLID field Inputs Astrophysical models Zodiacal model Extinction model Absorption model Cosmic simulation Stars Product: models for EUCLID field observation simulation Implementation in the data model of all input/output Prototype? Contact? Survey implementation group?

12 Building models Task : define the mission, the survey and instrument parameters Mission model -Holds the survey strategy and the operation modes, including calibration. -Should indicate where and how to observe to procure a full sky mock Euclid data set Instrument models (Tel,VIS,NISP) The instrument groups will be in charge of producing the instrument models: this includes all information as PSF models, thermal models, stray light models and detector models. This will be the input of each pixel simulator and will allow common areas in different channels to converge. Product: data model description document

13 Building pixel simulator
Pixel level simulator Task: build modular pixel level image simulator as realistic as possible Should use previous instrument models Should put all instrumental effects (included calibration) Products : development plan + Algorithms Short term: build prototypes: Identified existing codes that can be used as prototype of image simulator VIS NIP NIS A prototype is a code that pass all the implementation tests in the SDC

14 OUs simulators OUS simulators
Task: build additionnal inputs for OUSHE, OUPHZ, OUSPE, OULE3, OUMER Identify the needs 2D image (without calibration) and catalog (parameters, errors..) Identified existing simulator processing and code Products: code to produce catalogs for specific purpose of OU tests. These codes should be also under configuration (SGS implementation) using the data model (tracability) Exmple OUSPE (spectra simulation), OUPHz(magnitude..) sub groupe : OUs experts able to produce that simulation

15 External data Task: Define external data needed in Ous PANSTARRS DES
Define simulation and products (Image, catalog) PANSTARRS DES ….

16 Communication We propose to use redmine for forum, discussion and information exchanges New pages and information will come soon


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