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CDS developing in Wales – Progress so far.

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1 CDS developing in Wales – Progress so far.
Rick Wilson 12th February 2010

2 Work to Launch our Alliance – Steering group’s plan
We are planning to launch our Alliance on the 24th June at Hope Church Newtown. The Week before the National Social Services Conference We are inviting Gwenda Thomas. The event will be aimed at bring us as an Alliance together Partner LA’s Partner Providers Already involved citizens. We can all contribute; either with cash, or to take on particular roles; such as media, transport etc.

3 Work before the launch! Build our business plan – it’s on the wiki.
Get agencies and interested citizens to sign up. Develop and agree the demonstration projects, small and large. Agree a method for sharing project development and good practice. Agree framework for Evaluation. Suggest a constitution for the Alliance. Introduce a CDS perspective to significant consultations Independent Commission Paying for Care. We can get involved with any of this!

4 Draft Business Plan! 1. Legitimacy and Ownership of Principles and Objectives Finalise and publish Version 1.1 and then share with key stakeholders Obtain feedback on the above Develop Communication Strategy Using existing contributors to cascade agreement to the principles 2. Develop a Successful and Sustainable Alliance for Wales Research organisational structures to inform future organisation Write and agree a proposed constitution with existing contributors Build Membership

5 Draft Business Plan! Large and Small Scale Action for Change – to fulfill the objectives and contribute to evaluation Large – multi-agency whole system change / approaches Small – single agency practice experiments Shared ‘space’ for discussion and contributing to a shared learning environment Learning from Best Practice and Spreading the Change Facilitating access to practical support and learning. Developing a comprehensive, robust evaluation framework Seek funding for independent evaluation Real Life Stories

6 Putting People First Early Intervention and Prevention –information, advice, support and practical help promoting independence wellbeing Example: Information and advice ‘Good Life Guide’ and ‘First contact’ Universal Services –provided for the whole community Example: libraries, leisure facilities Social Capital – positive interaction in community life Example: being part of decision making about what goes on in their community, volunteering Choice and Control – people directing their own lives Example: being allowed to take risks, using a leisure centre rather than attend day care Thanks to Jill Buchanan-Huck of Lincolnshire County Council for this slide

7 Next Years programme & Bits and Pieces
Next years learning events Dates Subject areas Action Learning sets? WACDS stand at National Social Services Conference Can we make a financial contribution? The cost of a stand is £650. WACDS branding we probably need to think about branding soon? Does anybody know anybody? This usually costs CLC about £1800 for logo design and the necessary artwork etc.

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