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Take Your First Step Towards Achieving the SNS Credential

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1 Take Your First Step Towards Achieving the SNS Credential
We are proud to present: Take Your First Step Towards Achieving the SNS Credential. This presentation is designed to give you ideas and information to help you prepare to take the School Nutrition Specialist (SNS) exam. Animation is included on bulleted text on slides 2, 20, 21

2 Agenda Importance of the SNS Credential Eligibility Requirements
About the Exam Preparation Tools and Resources About the Study Guide Exam Tips & FAQs Q & A On our agenda today: Discuss the importance of the SNS Credential and review the eligibility Requirements Provide an overview of content areas on the Exam and Preparation Tools and Resources And then tell you about our new Study Guide and offer up more tips to taking the exam

3 A School Nutrition Specialist (SNS)
SNS = a professional who successfully passed the School Nutrition specialist exam, by demonstrating the knowledge and competencies necessary to manage school nutrition programs. The SNS Credential is a mark of excellence and achievement that reflects what it takes to manage school nutrition programs in today’s challenging climate. The SNS exam evaluates candidates’ knowledge and skills required to perform specific job activities related to managing or directing school nutrition programs. The goal of this webinar is to provide you with some tips and tools to help you get ready to take the exam and become a School Nutrition Specialist.

4 About the SNS Based on job analysis by ICN, 2009.
Identified knowledge areas Reviewed regularly and updated as needed Aligned with USDA Professional Standards learning areas The current SNS exam is based on the most recent job analysis that identifies competencies for district level school nutrition specialists. This was conducted by Institute of Child Nutrition (ICN) , formerly the National Foodservice Management Institute (NFSMI) in 2009. Based on these competencies and job analysis, an expert panel of school nutrition professionals identified knowledge areas for the SNS exam which is how the questions are developed for the exam. The SNS exam is reviewed regularly and updated as needed. Additionally, it’s important to note that the SNS exam is aligned with professional standards.

5 Governing Council Governs the program and all policies and standards related to the SNS Credential An autonomous arm of SNA. Not involved in development of any preparatory resource No preparatory resource endorsed by the Governing Council The Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council governs the SNS program and all policies and standards related to the SNS Credential The Council is an autonomous arm of SNA. The council includes SNA members who are SNS credentialed and subject matter experts. They are not involved in development of any preparatory resource and it’s important to note that no preparatory resource endorsed by the Governing Council, as this could be a conflict of interest.

Why Earn the SNS? PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS ARE HERE! As you know, the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires school nutrition personnel to meet professional standards! The SNS exam is aligned with the 4 learning areas in professional standards and some job descriptions for school nutrition directors/supervisors and state agency directors require or prefer the SNS. Achieving the SNS is more important than ever.

7 Why Earn the SNS? Formalizes your professional achievement
Enhances your professional image Expands your career opportunities Establishes a foundation for professional standards Demonstrates your commitment to your profession Why else is the SNS so important? The SNS raises the bar for us all. It enhances the image of our profession and establishes a foundation for professional standards. As the SNS becomes more and more recognized, we see job descriptions for school nutrition professionals in school districts around the country where the SNS is required or preferred.

8 In Addition, for State Agencies
Helps you better understand school nutrition operations Enables others to identify you as an accomplished leader in school nutrition Helps you do a better job! The SNS is important for operators but it is also key for state agencies. Earning the SNS Helps you better understand school nutrition operations Enhances your professional image and credibility with operators Enables others to identify you as an accomplished leader in school nutrition Helps you do a better job!

9 And, for Industry Enhances your professional image and credibility with operators Demonstrates your commitment and your company’s commitment to the school nutrition segment and profession Helps you do a better job! And for industry, earning the SNS: Enhances your professional image and credibility with operators Demonstrates your commitment and you company’s commitment to the school nutrition segment and profession Also helps you do a better job!

10 Are you eligible to take the exam?
ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT KEY AREA HOURS REQUIREMENT WORK EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENT OPTION 1 60 College Credits or Associate’s Degree 30 more College Credits in any of the four Key Areas OR Work experience in coordinating, managing or supervising various aspects of child nutrition programs (1 year of work experience equals 10 college credits. ) One year work experience related to school nutrition within the past 5 years in any of the following settings: School Nutrition Program Community Nutrition Program College/University/Technical/Culinary Program SNA State/National Association Staff State/Community Agency Trainer/Consultant/Industry Staff 2 Bachelor’s Degree or Higher None Same as Above Industry, operators and state agency are welcome to take the exam but check the eligibility requirements first. There are two ways to meet the requirements to sit for the SNS exam. Individuals can meet the requirements using: Option I – 60 college credits or Associate’s degree, with 1 year work experience in the field within the past 5 years, and an additional 30 college credits that fall under any of the key areas on the exam. Option II – Bachelor’s degree or higher and 1 year work experience in the field within the past 5 years.

11 About the Exam 200 Questions 4 Hours to complete
Takes 3-4 months to study Can take exam more than once Here is what you need to know about the actual exam The SNS Exam is comprised of 200 multiple choice questions and candidates have 4 hours to complete it. It takes about 3-4 months to prepare and candidates just can’t rely on the “on the job” experience as questions are based on theory. If you fail the exam, you can take it more than once you must pay the exam fee each time you take it.

12 The 4 Key Areas Covered Based on SNA’s Four Key Areas in SNA’s Keys to Excellence Aligned with USDA’s 4 Key Areas for Professional Standards Aligned with competency areas identified in ICN job analysis Many of you are likely familiar with SNA’s Keys to Excellence program. Through its standards of practice and indicators, Keys to Excellence defines national standards for quality programs and a framework for continuous review. SNA recently introduced an online dashboard that allows you to see how your program is doing and compare your programs’ performance against other districts. The 4 Key areas in the SNS exam are based on the four key areas in SNA’s Keys to Excellence program. These 4 key areas also align with USDA’s professional standards that was discussed earlier and of course the exam is aligned with the competency areas in the NFSMI job analysis mentioned at the start.

13 The 4 Key Areas Key Area 1: Nutrition(17%)
Key Area 2: Operations (40%) Key Area 3: Administration (36%) Key Area 4: Marketing & Communications (7%) Here you see an overview of how each key area is weighted on the exam. But let’s get more specific about the content for each key area.

14 Exam Content & Knowledge Areas
Key Area I: Nutrition 17% 1. Menu and Nutrition Management – 17 % Key Area II: Operations 40% 2. Facilities, Technology and Equipment Management –5% 3. Food Production and Operations Management – 15 % 4. Procurement and Inventory Management – 5.5 % 5. Food Security, Sanitation and Safety – 14.5 % Within the 4 key areas, the focus is on 9 content areas. Be sure to focus your studies on those content areas that have the highest percentages - especially if these are not your areas of expertise: For example, on this page, Food Production and Operations Management Food Security, Sanitation and Safety And Menu and nutrition management All have high percentages so you will see more content in these areas than the other areas on the exam

15 Exam Content & Knowledge Areas
Key Area III: Administration 36% Program Management and Accountability – 10% Human Resource Management – 10% Financial Management – 16 % Key Area IV: Marketing & Communications 7% 9. Marketing and Communications – 7% And you also see that Financial Management is an important area on the exam so be sure to spend time preparing all the areas but especially these areas.

16 When was the last time you took an exam?
I am often in exam mode. Less than 3 years ago. Hmmm, maybe 10 to 15 years ago? LOL! Let’s just say it’s been ages… Show of hands - When was the last time you took an exam?

17 It can be stressful… Regardless of when you took an exam, it’s a stressful process so hopefully this webinar will guide you towards some ideas to reduce the stress.

18 But it can also be enjoyable…
And make the whole process – dare I say - enjoyable!

19 Tips for Prepping for the Exam
Use the SNS Credentialing Exam Handbook Use the references (about 25 references total) Form a study group or contact your chapter or SNA state affiliate to connect with others So here are some tips Review the SNS Credentialing Exam Handbook which contains the content and knowledge areas, the full listing of resource materials that need to be reviewed and the percentage weight of questions per area as we just reviewed. Please note that preparation and studying ahead of time are key! Review the Exam Resource List. Thorough reading, study, and understanding is necessary to achieve a passing score on the exam. Study efforts should cover the resources listed. We know that people who form study groups tend to have a more enjoyable process and more chances for success on the exam.

20 Read the References School Food & Nutrition Service Management for the 21st Century, 6th edition, Dorothy Pannell-Martin & Julie A. Boettger SNA’s Keys to Excellence best practices indicators USDA resources ICN resources On the SNA website, you will see that there are a number of references to help you study for the exam. The primary key references are listed on screen. First, you want to be sure you have a solid school nutrition textbook like School Food & Nutrition Service Management for the 21st Century. You need the 6th edition so you have the most current information Second, Keys to Excellence is a must. Download the best practices documents and fill out the dashboard. Third, the USDA resources listed as recommended areas to study for the exam are very important. And last but not least, ICN has excellent resources. The courses are available online for free. You can probably even check to see if NFSMI will conduct a course in your area on a topic of choice. Check out for resources that will help you get prepared for the exam. * Full reference list available on the SNA website

21 Enhance Your Study Attend conferences and webinars Take more courses
Attend trainings Read the SNA magazine Catch up on regulations Review the Keys to Excellence best practices indicators Everything you do to continue your education between now and when you take the exam should help you feel even more prepared. Here are some ways to enhance your study: Attend conferences and webinars Take more courses, especially the ICN courses listed in the references Attend training provided by your state agency or department of education Read the SNA magazine Catch up on regulations Review the Keys to Excellence best practices indicators Now let’s talk about the study guide!

22 Purpose of the Study Guide
Help you prepare Guide your study Pre-test to identify your strengths and areas to work on Test yourself with post-test Multiple choice questions + exam sheet DOES NOT CONTAIN QUESTIONS ON THE EXAM As mentioned earlier, SNA has just launched a new SNS study guide designed to help you prepare for the SNS The goal is to help guide your study of the material covered on the exam The Study Guide includes a short pre-test to help you identify your strengths and areas you need to work on It also includes a longer post-test with multiple choice questions and even an exam sheet However, it DOES NOT CONTAIN QUESTIONS FROM THE EXAM. I know that some exam study guides provide questions and answers from the actual exam - again, this study guide does not have questions from the exam!

23 Order Online
SNS Study Guide & Book MEMBERS ONLY OFFER! $59 each or $109 for both Non-Member Price: $69 each $6 S&H The Study Guide and the main textbook are available at a members-only price of $59 each and $109 for both plus $6 shipping and handling. You can order them online on the SNA Website. Or if you plan on being at SNA national conferences like LAC and ANC, SNA will be selling them there so you can save on shipping charges if you buy them there. Order Online

24 Study Tips Start preparing ASAP
Look closely at the exam content areas – those with higher percentages make up an important part of the exam Know your strengths and work on the areas you need to improve Form a study group Start preparing ASAP. Do not cram. Do not wait until the last minute Look at the exam content areas – those with higher percentage make up an important part of the exam so be sure to focus on those Know your strengths and work on the areas you need to improve Form a study group. It is sometimes nice to have a group of peers to study with so you don’t feel like you need to tackle it alone.

25 Exam Tips A calculator is permitted but brush up on math skills (solving math problems) if needed Answer every question Don’t skim the question. Read carefully. Answer the easiest questions first. Then go back to the harder ones. Note that a calculator is permitted but be sure to brush up on your math skills. The study guide had the types of math problems you may see on the exam The exam is multiple choice and you are not penalized extra if you get an answer wrong so if you really don’t know the answer, pick one. You’ll have a one in four chance of getting it right. Don’t skim the question – read it really carefully. Skimming can create a situation where you read the answer too fast and did not take the time to understand what is being asked. Answer the easiest questions first and then go back to the harder ones.

26 The Day of the Exam Bring a calculator Bring two sharpened #2 pencils
Get a good night’s sleep the night before Go ahead and write in your exam booklet Check in half an hour early Don’t panic! So you’ve studied and now it’s the day of the exam. Here are some tips: Bring a calculator Bring two sharpened #2 pencils Get a good night’s sleep the night before Go ahead and write in your exam booklet. You can write out math problems or highlight a question you want to go back to. Be there half an hour early to get checked in Don’t panic!

27 Complete the Exam Application
Download the SNS Credentialing Exam Handbook You must: Submit a copy of your transcript Submit the application and appropriate fee Now we’ll just spend a bit of time on the application logistics. Download the handbook which includes the application form, resources and requirements. Those applying for the exam must submit a copy of their college transcript SNA will verify that you meet the eligibility requirements.

28 Exam Fees EXAM FEES MEMBER NON-MEMBER $ 210 $ 305 $ 65 $ 160 Exam
Application $ 210 $ 305 Annual Maintenance/ Renewal $ 65 $ 160 Here are the fees for the SNS Credentialing Program. Individuals who don’t meet the eligibility requirements or cancel the exam will have a processing fee of $50 deducted from their refund. Those who do not reschedule or are “no-shows” on exam day will not receive a refund for the exam fee. Individuals who fail the exam will have to re-apply and pay the exam fee again.

29 Getting the Exam Results
Results: In 6 to 8 weeks after exam. Pass: Use the SNS designation after your name, receive and SNS Certificate and can order the SNS Pin. Didn’t Pass: Receive a letter and Diagnostic Report showing the areas of weakness in the exam. Individuals who take the exam will receive results 6-8 weeks after the exam date. Those who pass receive a SNS certificate and letter in the mail. They can also order the SNS Pins. Individuals who fail the exam will receive a diagnostic report showing the areas of weakness by content area. Attaining the credential require a yearly maintenance fee and renewal every 3 years. You can pay it all at once every three years. SNS professionals must earn 45 CEUs during their credentialing period. They are only required to submit CEUs if they are audited.

30 For Exam Dates
To view a full listing of upcoming exam dates please visit the SNA Website.

31 Questions?

32 Thank you! Best of luck as you prepare to take the SNS.
If you have any questions or concerns along the way, SNA is there to help you. Just them at

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