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Changing Patterns of Life

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1 Changing Patterns of Life
Ch. 5 Section 3 Pg

2 Objective Analyze the impact of modernization on African society.

3 Illustrate the changes
Political Cartoons Create a political cartoon on two of the following topics: (pages 117 – 122) Growth of Cities & Effects of Urbanization Women’s Lives Rural Patterns Schools and Universities Illustrate the changes Cartoon must connect to textual evidence Back of Cartoon Letter choice description of cartoon and its meaning give pages #’s

4 Pre-Class: From our last class, identify similarities between the solutions generated for the challenges that Africa is facing today.

5 Issues Formal education is improving for many African people.
Employment opportunities can be scarce in many urban areas of Africa. Decent housing is not available for many African people. African people need more and better health care. Many African women have more legal rights than the past.

6 Explanation of the issue. (factual support, details, examples)
Directions: After reading pages , students will discuss the issue assigned to their group, and suggest ways their issue might be addressed. That means how might Africans deal with these issues. Explanation of the issue. (factual support, details, examples) Several clearly thought out suggestions to address the group’s issue. Be prepared to defend the feasibility of your suggestions Each group must turn in a write-up of both their explanation and their suggestions. Put the issue and all group members’ names on the paper.

7 Issues (page ) Formal education is improving for many African people. Employment opportunities can be scarce in many urban areas of Africa. Decent housing is not available for many African people. African people need more and better health care. Many African women have more legal rights than the past.

8 Explanation of the issue. (factual support, details, examples)
Directions: After reading pages , students will discuss the issue assigned to their group, and suggest ways their issue might be addressed. That means how might Africans deal with these issues. Each group must turn in a write-up of both their explanation and their suggestions. Put the issue and all group members’ names on the paper. Explanation of the issue. (factual support, details, examples) Several clearly thought out suggestions to address the group’s issue. Be prepared to defend the feasibility of your suggestions.

9 1.Changes brought by urbanization
New urban elite made up of Africans in high status jobs = less arranges marriages Nuclear families are replacing traditional extended families = weakening of bonds Growing middle class = education Influence of westernization on young people Greater opportunities/choice/freedoms Better infrastructure westernization

10 2. Why some Africans oppose westernization
Lose of culture/tradition It places the individual and material objects before the good of the community

11 3a. How are women’s lives changing?
Education and Training Women have gained the right to own and inherit property bride prices (wealth) have been outlawed Women have taken jobs as clerks, sales people, bankers, service industry and high-level government workers Rural women still traditional ways for basic tasks Girl Rising Clips – Ethiopia 9:30 and Sierra Leone 7:10

12 3b. How do traditional ways still shape their lives?
In rural areas, women are still the main food producers Take care of basic family needs Help husbands grow cash crops Women prepare food in traditional, time-consuming ways

13 4. How education leads to social change?
Raises literacy rates Teaches people job skills = increase wage Encourages national unity More choice for women

14 5. Changes taking place in Africa societies
Rapid modernization has made young people think that technology is more important than people

15 Causes of Cultural Change
Urbanization Population Explosion Economic Development Westernization Technology Education

16 Videos Kenya's luxury housing boom 5:00
Portrait of a Nation: Ghana 27:00 Modernization Channel Link Lagos – Ondo Ted Talks The leaders who ruined Africa, and the generation who can fix it 13:00 Africa’s Next Boom13:00 and activity link Meet BRCK, Internet access built for Africa A bath without water – 5:13 My invention that made peace with lions – 7:20 Article: Is the sun rising on an African solar revolution? Article: Power to the Powerless article.pdf

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