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Learning Objective: Identify cause and effect text structures in expository texts Do gestures with students. What are we going to do?

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Objective: Identify cause and effect text structures in expository texts Do gestures with students. What are we going to do?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Objective: Identify cause and effect text structures in expository texts
Do gestures with students. What are we going to do?

2 What are we Identifying today?
Cause and Effect structures in expository text! Have students share with partners the object then call on 3 non volunteer to share today’s objective

3 The Importance of Identifying Cause and Effect Structures
Good readers use a variety of strategies to help them comprehend. Read the importance and have students share other reasons why it is important to know text structures of expository text

4 What would happen on a rainy day?
Allow students to share with partners. Have A tell B and B tell A. Walk around and make sure students are sharing ideas Allow about 2 minutes for discussion Then call on a volunteers to share responses These are examples of cause and effect relationships!

5 Cause and Effect Text Structures
Text structure is how a text is organized such as compare and contrast, sequence, and cause and effect. Cause and effect text structures tell the result of an event or occurrence and the reasons it happened. Signal Words: Consequently, therefore, as a result, thereby, leads to, because, so, reason Concept development Review meaning of text structure Pair share meaning of text structure Call on non volunteer to share meaning Introduce meaning of cause and effect text structures All students to discuss meaning of cause and effect text structure and call on a non volunteer to share meaning Introduce signal words Have students o discuss some of the signal words and call on a non volunteer go to next slide

6 Example: There was a bad storm last night, as a result the electricity in the neighborhood went off for two hours. Read example sentence Do a think aloud on identifying signal words and ask self question “ does this passage tell what happens and why it happened” Review non-example: tell students to discuss with partner why this is not a cause and effect passage. Call on a volunteer to share what they discussed Ask a volunteer if they think they know what text structure it is and why Non example: Apples and Oranges are both fruit, but they have many differences. Apples have smooth skin, however oranges have porous skin.

7 How do we identify cause and effect text structure?
Step 2: Read the text Step 3: identify signal words Skill development Review the step of identifying text structures Have students rehearse steps Call in non volunteers to share steps( about three or less) Step 4: Ask your self does the text tell me effects of events and why they happened

8 Let’s Practice I woke up early to day, because I wanted to be the first in line to see the Batman movie. Jane and I both enjoy playing sports. However, she enjoys basketball and I enjoy soccer. As a result of my dad losing his job, we can no longer afford fancy clothes. Step 1 Read text Step 2: Identify signal words Step 3: Ask yourself is this tell what happened and why it happened Ask students “ What do I do first?” Read passage Model step 2 and 3 for the first sentence Sentence (2) Call on non- volunteers for steps 1 and 2 model step 3 Sentence (3) Don’t tell students steps let them work in partner to come up with answers and then call on non-volunteers to tell answers and how they came up with their answers

9 Moving to California Over time, many different groups of people have moved to California and made it their home. Because of this, California has a very diverse population. As a result of gold being found, many people from Asia, Europe, and other parts of the world began to move to California. They hoped to become rich. Today more people live in California than in any state in the United States. Pull on non volunteers to identify steps Use think pair share to have identify text structure and explain why Step 1 Read text Step 2: Identify signal words Step 3: Ask yourself is this tell what happened and why it happened

10 What text structure did we identify today?
Cause and Effect structures in expository text! Why is it important to identify cause and effect text structures? Closure Ask students following questions What text structure did we identify today? Why is it important to identify cause and effect text structures?

11 Closure Martha was late to school because her alarm clock was broken.
Tom and Jerry are very different animals, but they do share some similarities. They both enjoy annoying one another. Sam did not want to move to Chicago, therefore he begged his parents if they could stay in Texas. Using white write yes if it is cause and effect text structure and no if it is not Release students into independent practice if 80% of students understand remain in guided practice if students do not understand Step 1 Read text Step 2: Identify signal words Step 3: Ask yourself is this tell what happened and why it happened

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