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Presentation on theme: "LEAN ORGANIZATION SUMMARY"— Presentation transcript:

SUPPLIER: LOCATION: SDE: WORKSHOP DATE: DIVISION: PRE-WKSP SHORT LONG CONCEPTS VISIT TERM DATE: 1. RECOGNITION OF NEED & COMMITMENT TO BECOME LEAN 2. ROLL OUT PLAN DEVELOPED 3. EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT / PARTICIPATION 4. VISUAL CONTROLS 5. PULL SYSTEM - EXTERNAL 6. PULL SYSTEM - INTERNAL 7. QUICK CHANGE OVER 8. IDENTIFICATION / ELIMINATION OF WASTE 9. LEAD TIME REDUCTION 10. PLANNED MAINTENANCE / UP-TIME 11. ERROR PROOFING / OPERATOR PROCESS CONTROL 12. FOCUSED LAYOUT 13. STANDARDIZED OPERATION 14. SMALL LOT / ONE PIECE FLOW 15. WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION OVERALL SUMMARY (SUM 1 THROUGH 15) COMMENTS: SUMMARY (MUST BE A WHOLE NUMBER) 0 = Little awareness of concepts - No implementation 0.5 = Aware of concepts - No implementation 1.0 = Aware of concepts - Minimal implementation 1.5 = Knowledge - Minimal implementation - Aggressive Action Plans 2.0 = Knowledge - Partial implementation 2.5 = High degree of knowledge - Implementation 3.0 = High degree of knowledge - High implementation

Purpose: To determine the implementation of Lean Manufacturing concepts within a Supplier's organization Requirements & Guidelines: To be used to track an individual supplier's progress over time. Not to be used to compare one supplier to another. The initial summary should be done during the pre-visit, prior to the workshop. The second summary should be done during the first follow-up (short term). The third summary should be done during the second follow-up (long term). All three summaries should be completed by the same Supplier Development Engineer. The summaries must be reviewed and discussed with the supplier. The summary system is as follows: 0 = Little awareness of concepts - No implementation 0.5 = Aware of concepts - No implementation 1.0 = Aware of concepts - Minimal implementation 1.5 = Knowledge - Minimal implementation - Aggressive action plans 2.0 = Knowledge - Partial implementation 2.5 = High degree of knowledge - Implementation 3.0 = High degree of knowledge - High implementation The overall summary is the total sum of the column for each occurrence. The completed summary should be not be distributed beyond the Supplier and the Supplier Development Engineer.

RECOGNITION OF NEED AND COMMITMENT TO BECOME LEAN: Does top management realize the benefits that can be obtained from lean organization? Is the commitment there? ROLL-OUT PLAN DEVELOPED: Is there a documented plan on how to get from current state to their concept of a lean state? Is it rolled-out throughout their entire organization? EMPLOYEE INVOLVEMENT / PARTICIPATION: Is there a training plan to roll-out lean to the organization? Do all employees understand the plan and are they committed to it? (SDE can conduct random employee interviews.) VISUAL CONTROLS: Are Visual Controls being utilized throughout the organization? (Both audio and visual.) PULL SYSTEM - EXTERNAL: Is replenishment from outside suppliers based on usage within the plant? Is replenishment with outside customer based on consumption? PULL SYSTEM - INTERNAL: Same as above, but department to department, process to process. QUICK CHANGE OVER: Is the supplier utilizing quick changeover techniques and are they documenting their process? IDENTIFICATION AND ELIMINATION OF WASTE: Does the supplier understand the seven types of waste, and how important is it to eliminate and/or reduce waste? LEAD TIME REDUCTION: Does the supplier understand the definition and benefits of lead time? Can they identify current lead time for products? Is it monitored? PLANNED MAINTENANCE / UP-TIME: Does the supplier have planned or predictive maintenance based on equipment specifications or machine history? ERROR PROOFING / OPERATOR PROCESS CONTROL: Has the supplier implemented mistake-proof methods? Do operators check their own work? FOCUSED LAYOUT: Are lean concepts being utilized based on the supplier’s layout? Is it product vs process focused? STANDARDIZED OPERATION: Are operations safely carried out with all tasks organized & documented in the best known sequence and by using the most effective combination of resources: People, Materials, Methods, Machine in line with Customer Demand? SMALL LOT / ONE PIECE FLOW: Is material flow optimized to reduce inventory and lead time between operations? Is batch size appropriate where applicable? WORKPLACE ORGANIZATION: Does everything have a location and are all items in their proper places?


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