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Comparison of and Practical Uses of Kahoot and

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1 Comparison of and Practical Uses of Kahoot and
Quizlet to Extend Instruction Crystal James

2 About Me ESL Teacher at NOCE and ABC Adult School
Multilevel offsite/on-site and levelled classes Using Quizlet and Kahoot for over 6 months successfully NOT a total expert on Quizlet and Kahoot - Sorry!

3 What are Quizlet and Kahoot?
Quizlet: A site/app where teachers and students can make sets of matching vocabulary terms and definitions (or pictures). These sets can be used to play individual games with, study from, or create a live in-class quiz game. Kahoot: A site you can find and/or create multiple choice, ordering or other live student response quizzes where students participate using smart devices.

4 What Ways Can Students Practice?
Quizlet Flashcards, Matching, Spelling, timed games, images/audio (in paid version) Great for VOCABULARY No possibility to create multiple choice questions with answers not in the set you created You can ask students to study sets at home (also integrates with Google Classroom)

5 What Ways Can Students Practice?
Kahoot Quiz - Multiple choice Jumble (4 pieces in order) Discussion (one question) Survey (no points given)

6 Paid Features Kahoot Quizlet There is no paid version
$34.99/year Paid (less than $3/mo) Track Student Progress Add images and audio to sets Unlimited classes instead of 8 Quizlet Live Customizations Teacher-only search Kahoot There is no paid version Images, video, and audio can be added for free!

7 Is There At Home Practice?
Quizlet With a free account students can: join your class study word sets you add to the class at home or in class on their computers, smartphones, or tablets create their own word sets to study Search for and save other students’ word sets share word sets with each other Without an account they can search for and practice word sets but not save them or compete. Kahoot Only LIVE in-class practice There is no at home study or practice Homework quizzes/practice cannot be assigned

8 Can I Share and Find Shared Content?
Kahoot Public quizzes are available Made by other teachers (mostly) Can be: Favorited copied and modified Example: question time limits can be changed Used as-is. Quizlet There are many shared sets which can be: copied and modified Added to your class Used as-is. Copy Share Add Info More

9 What Is The In-Class Quiz Like?
Quizlet - No accounts needed - just a pin Students participate in teams to try to match words to their definitions. Teams are randomly assigned but you can shuffle them. Each device in the team have words that could match the definitions from the word set. Only one device has the correct answer on it. You can mix up the teams by shuffling them. The progress bar will reset if a team misses a question

10 What Is The In-Class Quiz Like?
Kahoot - No accounts needed - just a pin! Quiz -Multiple Choice Like a multiple choice test can have multiple correct answers Students choose the correct color/symbol for their answer using their phone Jumble Students are required to put 4 elements in order Both game/quiz types are available in Team or Classic mode Team - One device per group of students Classic - One device per student

11 Difficulties Not every student has a smart phone **
Older students sometimes have issues with either quiz platform because of a lack of technology experience ** If you want to sign students up to be in your class on Quizlet it takes time and they need an address ** The Quizlet app takes up space and not every phone has available space, however students can still use Quizlet via the browser on their phone and the app isn’t used for

12 Successes Quizlet: Students practicing after finishing their work without prompting Students making their own sets (sometimes in their language) Students studying competitively creates motivation Extends instruction beyond the classroom Kahoot: Entire class engagement Challenging questions reinforce important distinctions Useful informal assessment Students ask when we are going to do or next. Both are FUN!

13 Final Notes and Discussion
Difficulties -> Creative solutions Benefits outweigh the difficulties How do you think you can incorporate either Kahoot or Quizlet into your classes? How can we overcome some of the difficulties associated with using either platform?

14 Thank You!

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