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Gently tap the tuning fork on the bench and then hold in the water.

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Presentation on theme: "Gently tap the tuning fork on the bench and then hold in the water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gently tap the tuning fork on the bench and then hold in the water.
What do you notice? Use your observations to explain how sounds are produced and how they travel.

2 Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound

3 What causes sound? Sounds are made when an object vibrates.
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound What causes sound? Take a tuning fork and strike it against a block of wood. What do you observe? The tuning fork vibrates and you hear a sound. Sounds are made when an object vibrates.

4 Good Vibrations! Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound Good Vibrations! What vibrates so that each of these objects makes sound? violin strings drum skin voice box loudspeaker cone

5 Sound travels as longitudinal waves
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound Sound travels as longitudinal waves The vibrations of the particles are parallel to the direction the wave travels.

6 vacuum pump on The sound cannot be heard Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound vacuum pump on The sound cannot be heard

7 How sound travels… Learning Objectives
By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound As we know, sound waves are formed when something vibrates. But how does the sound reach our ears? Air molecules 2) The vibrations pass through air by making air molecules vibrate 1) An object makes a sound by vibrating 3) These vibrations are picked up by the ear 19/07/2018

8 Rank the following from fastest to slowest:
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound Rank the following from fastest to slowest: Sound Light Meteorite Jet fighter Cheetah Plane

9 How can we measure the speed of sound?
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound How can we measure the speed of sound? Control Variable Question Dependent Variable Independent Variable

10 Speed of sound (in m/s) Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound Material

11 Sound waves travel fastest through dense solids.
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound Sound needs a substance to travel through and travels by particles vibrating. solid liquid gas Sound waves travel fastest through dense solids.

12 Explain why people say:
Learning Objectives By the end of this lesson you should… Be able to explain how sounds are produced Be able to describe how sound can travel through a material Understand why no sound can be heard in a vacuum Be able to describe a practical to measure the speed of sound Explain why people say: ‘Keep your ear to the ground’

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