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By Adithya Durai Quartz class

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1 By Adithya Durai Quartz class
Water Pollution By Adithya Durai Quartz class

2 Did you know Fact Did you know that the water we use today is the same water the dinosaurs used? We cannot create new water. For millions of years, the water we have has been used again and again.

3 Who makes water pollution
Homosapians produse water pollution by throwing their trash onto water. This affects the Aquifer on the Ocean floor which makes the water we need to drink unusable.

4 What does water pollution make
Water pollution makes disease, which causes us homosapians to die more often. These diseases don’t only come from rubbish but also other people who drank it. Some of them are Cancer, Malaria, Ebola, Ringworm and Rabies. Pollution also makes acid rain which affects the Aquifer.


6 How can we stop it We can stop this terrifying state from happening by cleaning the air of its junk. Also by placing our trash in a bin instead of on water.


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