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Submitting Requests to IT

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1 Submitting Requests to IT
A new way: TeamDynamix

2 Agenda Introduction: Current state and opportunities for improvement
Submitting Requests to IT Checking Request Status Knowledgebase Approvals

3 Existing Process Contact Center IT Staff Requestor
Submit request to Contact Center Read and interpret request Triage ticket: Classify and categorize request, Assign to another group, Ask requestor for more information Provide more information to fulfill request Escalate request to Tier 2 IT Staff for fulfillment IT Staff Fulfill Request

4 Issues With Existing Process & Opportunities for Improvement
Relies heavily on manual effort Time consuming Resource intensive Increases likelihood of errors Required information not captured up front Not possible to view the status of your request OPPORTUNITIES Automate Reduce time Reduce resources Reduce errors Capture information up front Self-service option for request status

5 The Problem: Why We’re Doing This
How do we shorten the time from here.. Requestor Submit request to Contact Center Read and interpret request Triage ticket: Classify and categorize request, Assign to another group, Ask requestor for more information Provide more information to fulfill request Escalate request to Tier 2 IT Staff for fulfillment IT Staff Fulfill Request To Here?

6 Enter TeamDynamix Service Catalog
Requestor Submit request through Service Catalog TeamDynamix Automatic Routing IT Staff Fulfill Request

7 What is TeamDynamix? Request tracking and management application
Web based (in your browser accessible from anywhere with an internet connection) Used for support issues and requests In the near future: Project requests and tracking Best in class, built for higher education In use by many other institutions including: Dalhousie Acadia NSCC St. Mary’s Many more.. Displays well on laptops, tablets, and smartphones

8 What is a “Service Catalog”?
An organized, curated list of things we offer others. Examples: Category Sub Category Things I want Service: Something we do for people. Examples: Password resets, support, creating new accounts Catalog: A curated, organized collection made available to others. A service catalog therefore is a curated and organized collection to give people access to the things we do for people. You probably use something similar to a service catalog almost every day with online stores: they provide an organized list of things they offer for people. They organize this in the form of categories, sub categories, and individual items and services that people want.

9 IT Services Service Catalog
Sub Category Category This is the new IT Services service catalog. It provides everyone at St FX a way of: Submitting requests and asking for support from IT Checking the status of your existing requests. Resolving common issues and questions through self-help resources in the Knowledge Base Things I want

10 Service Catalog Address This is the address to access the new IT Service Catalog. TAKE QUESTIONS

11 Submitting Requests to IT
First, we’re going to take a look at how to submit requests to IT through the service catalog. Faster, better support

12 Steps Select your service (browse or search)
Click the button to request support Fill out form and submit These are the basic steps for submitting a request.

13 Submitting Requests to IT through the Service Catalog
Let’s take a look at submitting a request to IT by browsing the service catalog. First, click “Services” Find the service you want to request. In this case I’m looking for help with my voic . Click on the service. Notice how it automatically knows that the requestor is you, and that it knows your department as well. We’ll discuss submitting a request on behalf of someone else shortly. I fill in the form, and click “Request”. TAKE QUESTIONS Now let’s take a look at submitting a request through searching. In the search box, I’m going to type what I’m looking for. In the results, I click on the service I want, again, I’m looking for help with my Voic . Now the process is the same as when I browsed for the service: fill out the form and click “Request”.

14 Why would I use the service catalog instead of email?
It’s faster Your request is sent directly to the person who can help you It’s more accurate All required information is captured from the start One location for all requests Create a list of your favourite services So, why would you use this instead of ? Sending an is so easy it’s almost second nature. The fact is you still CAN submit an request to IT. However, think back to that process we saw earlier where when we receive a request through , someone has to look at that, classify it, maybe get in touch with you for more information, then finally manually send it to the person who can actually fulfill that request. The service catalog is MUCH faster, it gets your request with all the information needed to the person who can fulfill it. It’s also your one location for all your requests. You can have a list of your favourite services you use all the time. You can check the status of your services (which we’ll see next), and much more.

15 Checking Request Status
So now that we’ve seen how to submit a request: Where does that request go? What’s happening with it? How do I see what the status is? In the service catalog, you can do all of the above. Greater transparency & Insight

16 Steps Click on “My Request Status” button
Click on the title of your request OR: Click on the “View Request” button in the receipt. From the service catalog home page, click on “My Request Status”. You can also click on the “View Request” button in the you receive when you submit a request, which will take you directly to the request details. This lists all of your requests. You can search, filter to look at requests that have already been fulfilled and closed, you can look at requests from a certain period of time, etc. For now, let’s take a look at an active request.

17 Request Status Clicking on the title of the request gives you the details of that request. It shows you basic information like title, ID, when it was created and modified etc. It also gives you the ability to: Add attachments. Set an Alert Add a comment to provide more information or ask questions. The “Feed” gives you a complete list of updates you’ve received and your own comments to give you a complete history of the request. TAKE QUESTIONS

18 Helping others help themselves
Knowledge Base Now that you’ve seen how to submit a request, and how to check on that request, let’s take a step back and think about the times when you don’t need to submit a request at all. Those times when you can do what you need yourself with a bit of information and help. That’s where the knowledgebase comes in. Much like the How To articles we’ve provided for years, the knowledge base offers articles and information that allow people to solve the problem themselves without having to ask for help from someone else. Helping others help themselves

19 Using the Knowledge Base
Search Fastest and most effective method of finding what you’re looking for Browse For when you’re not sure what you’re looking for OR you want to see what is available. There are 2 methods for using the knowledgebase: Searching and browsing. Most of the time, you’ll be using search to find what you’re looking for. People are so used to Google that browsing for what you want is a thing of the past. That said, you can browse by clicking on “Knowledge Base” and viewing the categories and articles available.

20 Knowledge Base Article
This is what a knowledge base article looks like – this may look familiar as it was created from the original How To’s on the IT Services website. Something I want to call out in particular: every KB article has a feedback section near the bottom where you can tell us: YES this is helpful or NO it is not, and provide some comments. I want to bring this up in particular because we do pay attention to that feedback, we do respond to it, and we rely on that feedback to better help you, as well as guide efforts and decisions.

21 Approvals Easier, Faster, Better
Now that you’ve seen how to submit a request, and how to check on that request, let’s take a step back and think about the times when you don’t need to submit a request at all. Those times when you can do what you need yourself with a bit of information and help. That’s where the knowledgebase comes in. Much like the How To articles we’ve provided for years, the knowledge base offers articles and information that allow people to solve the problem themselves without having to ask for help from someone else. Easier, Faster, Better

22 Approvals The Service Portal allows for approval workflows
Automatically sends for certain items Faster and more efficient than manual approval Provides a record of the approval Can review current and past approvals The service portal also allows users to approve or reject certain requests through an approval workflow. For example, access to a system, or equipment purchases may require approval. This workflow is automatic, faster, and more efficient. It also keeps a record of the approval and allows you to review current and past approvals.

23 Knowledge Base Article
So what does an approval workflow look like? It starts with receiving an letting you know you need to provide approval or rejection on a workflow. Once you click “Approve or Reject This Workflow Step” in the , the portal will open. Details about the approval are displayed. In this case, I’m going to go ahead and approve this. I now can enter comments about the request. Once I click “Approve”, the workflow is set to approved, and my comments are added. Just like with requests, I can review my current and previous approvals at the top on the menu by clicking “My Approvals”.

24 Wrapping Up You can still make requests to IT by ing us: It’s slower and less efficient Takes more effort, and resources The better, faster way: Submit requests through the service catalog and check their status Use the knowledge base to help yourself and others Give us feedback! Where can I find these slides if I want to look at them later? In the Knowledgebase!

25 Questions?
Comments, Feedback

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