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Client: CareCredit (Hundreds of $100s Again in 2010 Sweepstakes)

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1 Client: CareCredit (Hundreds of $100s Again in 2010 Sweepstakes)
Objectives: To encourage use of the CareCredit credit card, to stimulate use by dormant cardholders and to provide an engaging, interactive brand experience. Additionally, they wanted to build online traffic. Tactics: Automatic Entry Sweepstakes and Mystery Match Online Instant Win Game Mechanics: There were two ways to enter – a consumer could earn one entry for a qualified transaction made with their CareCredit Credit Card at any of the more than 125,000 providers nationwide or they could mail a 3”x5” card containing their entry information. In addition, consumers had the opportunity to win additional prizes by playing a Mystery Match Online Instant Win Game. Prizes: The $10,000 Grand Prize was awarded in the form of a check and 200 Green Prize Winners were given $100 in credit to the winner’s CareCredit credit card account. For the Mystery Match Instant Win Game, MasterCard Gift Cards were awarded in different values.

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