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An Introduction to Exercise and Sport Physiology

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to Exercise and Sport Physiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to Exercise and Sport Physiology

Focus of exercise and sport physiology Acute and chronic responses to exercise The evolution of exercise physiology Research: the foundation for understanding

3 Focus of Exercise and Sport Physiology
Physiology is the study of the function of organisms Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment (continued)

4 Focus of Exercise and Sport Physiology (continued)
Exercise physiology is the study of how body structure and function are altered by exposure to acute and chronic bouts of exercise Environmental physiology is the study of the effects of the environment on the function of the body Sport physiology is the application of the concepts of exercise physiology to training athletes and enhancing sport performance

5 Acute and Chronic Responses to Exercise
Acute exercise is a single bout of exercise Chronic adaptation is a physiological change that occurs when the body is exposed to repeated exercise bouts over weeks or months; these changes generally improve the body’s efficiency at rest and during exercise

6 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: Early Exercise Physiologists
Archibald V. Hill Nobel Prize winner (1921) Studied energy metabolism in isolated frog muscle Conducted first physiological studies on runners (continued)

7 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: Early Exercise Physiologists (continued)
John S. Haldane Developed methods of measuring oxygen use during exercise Known for his work in human physiology and respiration

8 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory
Founded by biochemist Lawrence J. Henderson Directed by David Bruce Dill (D.B. Dill) Focused on the physiology of human movement and the effects of environmental stress on exercise Most contemporary exercise physiologists can trace their roots back to the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory

9 The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory: Early Measurements
Collecting expired air in a sealed bag known as a Douglas bag (continued)

10 The Harvard Fatigue Laboratory: Early Measurements (continued)
A sample of the gas from the Douglas bag was measured for oxygen and carbon dioxide using a chemical gas analyzer

11 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: Scandinavian Influence
Eric Hohwü-Christensen Published important series of five research studies in the late 1930s on carbohydrate and fat metabolism Per-Olof Åstrand Conducted studies on physical fitness and endurance capacity during the 1950s and 1960s Jonas Bergstrom Reintroduced the biopsy needle in 1966 to study human muscle biochemistry

12 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: Research Milestones
Peter Karpovich Helped introduce physiology to physical activity Thomas K. Cureton Helped establish a rationale to use exercise to promote a healthy lifestyle Elsworth Buskirk Established The Laboratory for Human Performance Research in 1974

13 Video 0.1 When you are in the normal view of the PowerPoint slides, you should right-click on the image and then choose “Open hyperlink” to play the video. In the slide show view, you will simply click on the image to play the video. You must have an Internet connection in order to link to the streaming video. In this video, Jim Pawelczyk discusses the four P’s of medicine and the important role of exercise in individualized health strategies.

14 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: Contemporary Approaches
John Holloszy and Charles Tipton Introduced biochemical approach to exercise physiology research First to use rats and mice to study muscle metabolism and fatigue Phil Gollnick Studied individual muscle fiber characteristics and their responses to training in rats and humans

15 Video 0.2 In this video, Jim Pawelczyk discusses the integration of cellular-level processes with a view of the entire organism.

16 The Evolution of Exercise Physiology: Women in Exercise Physiology
Birgitta Essen Collaborated with Bengt Saltin and Phil Gollnick in publishing the earliest studies on muscle fiber types in human muscle Karen Piehl Among the first to demonstrate that the nervous system selectively recruits type I and type II fibers Barbara Drinkwater Among the first to address issues specifically related to the female athlete

17 Research: The Foundation for Understanding

18 Animation 0.9 When you are in the normal view of the PowerPoint slides, you should right-click on the image and then choose “Open hyperlink” to play the video. In the slide show view, you will simply click on the image to play the video. You must have an Internet connection in order to link to the streaming video.

19 Research Tools: Ergometers
Ergometers are used to measure physical work in standardized conditions Treadmills and cycle ergometers are most commonly used

20 Research Designs Longitudinal research tests the same subjects and compares results over time Cross-sectional research collects data from a diverse population and compares groups in that population Longitudinal studies are often more accurate than cross-sectional studies, but are time-consuming and expensive

21 Dose-Response Relationships Cross-Sectional Study

22 Dose-Response Relationships Longitudinal Study

23 Table 0.1

24 Reading and Interpreting Tables and Graphs
The title will identify what information is being presented Units for each variable should be clearly presented Graphs better illustrate Trends in data Response patterns Comparisons of data between subject groups (continued)

25 Reading and Interpreting Tables and Graphs (continued)
x-axis is the independent variable or factor that is controlled by the study design y-axis is the dependent variable that will change depending on how the independent variable is manipulated

26 Figure 0.15

27 Figure 0.16

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