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Developing skills that bystanders require to intervene

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1 Developing skills that bystanders require to intervene
Ariel Trust Face Up Training Module 2 Developing skills that bystanders require to intervene

2 Developing the knowledge, attitudes and skills that young people
Module 2 Developing the knowledge, attitudes and skills that young people need to effectively ask for help Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Aim: Pupils should consider the role of the bystander and discuss how bystanders can make a positive intervention. Aim: Pupils should develop strategies that they might use should they find themselves in the role of the bystander. Summary Lesson 8 Aim: Pupils should be able to demonstrate the strategies they learnt in modules 1 and 2.

3 Module 2 - Lesson 5 Video exercise: scene 4 Teenage Kicks Objectives:
Understanding what a bystander is and what it means to intervene. Identify appropriate words to describe the role of the bystander. Discuss the role of the bystanders in the film ‘Teenage Kicks’. Describe ways in which the bystanders in the film might act to reduce risk. __________________________________________________________ Materials and Method: Starter Activity: Reflect on situations where pupils were bystanders. Video: Teenage Kicks – large group discussion. Small group discussion. Handout 5.1: Word list to describe bystanders. Plenary

4 Module 2 - Lesson 6 Storyboard: Gemma. Video exercise:
Scene 5 ‘There she goes.’ Objectives: Identify appropriate words to describe the role of the bystander. Discuss the role of the bystanders in the film. Describe ways in which bystanders in the film might act to reduce risk. __________________________________________________________ Materials and Method: Storyboard: Teenage Kicks Video: ‘There she goes.’ – small group discussion. Handout 6.1: questions on video – how to intervene. Plenary Handout 6.2: Sentence building activities: appropriately describing bystanders.

5 Module 2 - Lesson 7 This lesson focuses on the Storyboard for Mark.
Objectives: Create storyboards to describe strategies that the bystanders in the films might use to respond positively to more advanced forms of abuse. • Resisting peer pressure. • Resolving conflict. • Negotiating. Share the strategies that pupils have developed in their storyboards and analyse the merits of these strategies through large group discussion. Practice these strategies and the communication skills needed to put them into action through role play or discussion. __________________________________________________________ Materials and Method: Starter Activity: What to consider when intervening. Storyboard: ‘There she goes’/Mark. Handout 7.1: Questions to support storyboard. Plenary: How can bystanders intervene? (Optional Role Play)

6 Summary - Lesson 8 ‘Ask Emma’ Objectives: Identify risky behaviour.
Describe positive actions that can be taken to reduce risk and minimise harm. Identify places people could go to access help. Demonstrate positive ways that they could intervene as bystanders. Develop pupil's confidence to help them create their own positive strategies in risky situations. __________________________________________________________ Materials and Method: Handout 8.1. (Given scenarios) Handout 8.2

7 Module 2 Summary Pupils will understand the role of the bystander.
Pupils will understand how bystanders can make a positive intervention. Pupils will have developed strategies that they might find useful should they find themselves in the role of the bystander.

8 Ariel Trust Contacts Paul Ainsworth – Director
Trish Conning – RA Development Officer

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