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The Access Grid Node: The Operator’s Manual.

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Presentation on theme: "The Access Grid Node: The Operator’s Manual."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Access Grid Node: The Operator’s Manual

2 Node Operator Responsibilities
Node Startup System Tests Runtime Adjustments Participate on the mud!!!

3 Operator Responsibilities Node Startup
Create AG display “Look and Feel” Set the AG display background to black Ensure that the task bar is visible only on the operator’s console Virtual Venue Distributed PowerPoint Video Participate on the mud!!!

4 What is a Virtual Venue? A concept that encapsulates:
A location on the grid Not a physical space A dimension in which several physical spaces can be co-located A place that can be entered and exited A scoping mechanism to support multiple concurrent meetings A resource that can be reserved

5 Node Startup Virtual Venue
drm arm vrm Components in current implementation of Virtual Venue software Display resource mgr Audio resource mgr Video resource mgr Event server Virtual venue server event server VV server

6 Node Startup Virtual Venue
ANL box VV server helper app vic display DRM www browser display box event server mud Virtual Venue runtime instantiation Node Operator goes to a url to log in to the AG, Virtual Venue server returns a document that invokes a browser helper app, Helper app sends message to event server, Event server dispatches message to all the resource listeners, Resource listeners tear down and launch their apps vic capture rat VRM video box ARM audio box

7 Node Startup Distributed PowerPoint
client registry agserv master Distributed ppt components as currently implemented. One master, one registry/server, many clients

8 Node Startup Distributed PowerPoint
Display box master slides.ppt client slides.ppt Display box client slides.ppt Display box Runtime distribution of ppt components as currently implemented. client slides.ppt domain.of.your.choice registry and agserv

9 Node Startup Video Prepare 4 camera shots:
Shot of your node’s AG display Closeup of presenter 2 views of audience area The 4 camera views form your node’s visual interface to the AG… be sure you represent your node well!

10 Operator Responsibilities System Tests
Assess the state of network connectivity Bring in Network Troubleshooter if needed Test audio with remote sites Normalize transmission levels across nodes Eliminate poor-quality audio Ensure that node operator can speak in a normal voice and type w/o being detected on public channel PowerPoint dry runs Download ppt files before event if very large Remove animations and transitions Participate on the mud!!!

11 Operator Responsibilities Runtime Adjustments
Display Audio Video BackChannel Communications Distributed PowerPoint Participate on the mud!!!

12 Runtime Adjustments Display
Presenter should be able to see: remote audiences his own video remote nodes’ displays If cpu is pegged on display, mute non-critical video streams to save decoding Place video window of remote presenter on the same side of his ppt slides as he appears in real life

13 Runtime Adjustments Audio
Closely monitor audio transmit levels Turn off transmission when another node has the floor for an extended period Turn off silence suppression during presentations Inform local participants when you turn transmit on and off Relaunch rat if experiencing bad audio distortion

14 Runtime Adjustments Video
Keep presenter framed in camera, but avoid Blair Witch syndrome Ensure presenter looks in the camera during presentation When an audience member asks a question, zoom audience cam in for a closeup Adjust hue/saturation/contrast/brightness Clamp transmission bandwidth to improve outgoing audio quality

15 Runtime Adjustments BackChannel Communications
Nodes which do not contain an audience should remain in the background of backchannel communications. high priority low priority

16 Runtime Adjustments Distributed PowerPoint
Announce slide changes on backchannel Relaunch master if clients stop following Kill master process after presentation

17 Provide Feedback Help us to identify problems with hardware and software Please participate! AG developers need feedback from users – what works well, what hardware problems are folks having, etc.

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