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The Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System

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1 The Cooperative Capital Markets Regulatory System
Canadian Security Traders Association 23rd Annual Conference Whistler, British Columbia August 19, 2016 Doug Hyndman Canadian Securities Transition Office

2 Path to a Cooperative System
Many proposals for national regulatory structure From the Royal Commission on Price Spreads to the Hockin Panel Proposed Cdn Securities Act; Supreme Court Opinion Federal Statute with voluntary provincial participation Not within Parliament’s jurisdiction as drafted Both orders of government have authority; cooperative approach available Agreement for cooperative system Initially British Columbia, Ontario & Canada Later joined by Sask, New Brunswick, PEI, and Yukon Draft legislation published for public consultation Board of Directors appointed Target implementation set for 2018 Jul 2016

3 Supreme Court of Canada (Dec 2011)
Comprehensive securities act is beyond federal jurisdiction Each level of government has jurisdiction over some aspects of the regulation of capital markets Provinces — “day-to-day” securities regulation Federal — data collection, systemic risk, criminal Each can work in collaboration with the other to carry out its responsibilities.

4 Cooperative System Elements
Capital Markets Regulatory Authority Provincial/Territorial Capital Markets Act (CMA) Council of Ministers Federal Capital Markets Stability Act (CMSA) Regulations Head Office — Toronto Office in Each Participating Province and Territory Regulations

5 The Authority (CMRA) Jointly established by participating governments
Single, operationally independent entity Governed by expert board of independent directors Tribunal separate from board and independent of regulatory functions Self funded through a single set of fees

6 CMRA: Structure Council of Ministers Board of Directors
Appointment of Board and Tribunal members Policy oversight, including power to reject or require consideration of a proposed CMA or CMSA regulation Accountability oversight Board of Directors Governance of the CMRA, other than matters related to the Tribunal’s adjudicative functions Power to make regulations and decisions under the CMA and CMSA Regulatory Division Led by the Chief Regulator Administers and enforces the legislation Provides policy advice to Board Tribunal Led by the Chief Adjudicator Hears and decides on enforcement actions and appeals of regulatory division decisions

7 Cooperative Legislative Framework
Uniform Capital Markets Act (CMA) BC SK ON NB PE YK Federal Capital Markets Stability Act (CMSA) Capital Markets Regulatory Authority (CMRA or Authority) Established under CMRA Act

8 Capital Markets Act Harmonized version of current provincial securities acts Some new or modernized provisions, including new framework for derivatives Published for comment Sept 2014; republished Aug 2015

9 Capital Markets Stability Act
Federal legislation to apply throughout Canada National data collection Systemic risk in national capital markets Criminal offences related to capital markets Published for comment Sept 2014; republished in May 2016 Revised version narrows scope somewhat

10 CMRA Act To establish the Capital Markets Regulatory Authority as a joint federal-provincial entity Will provide for: structure, governance and oversight appointment of board, chief regulator and adjudicative tribunal legal capacities and immunities

11 Regulations Draft initial regulations under CMA
Based on existing provincial rules/national instruments Eliminate differences in requirements among participating jurisdictions Make other changes only as necessary to fit existing rules with CMA Minimize disruption for market participants Published for comment August 2015 No regulations proposed under CMSA before launch

12 Regulations yet-to-come
Capital-raising exemption regulations to be published later as a separate consultation package CCMR fee regulation considerable work done but regulation awaits firmer budget forecasts Interface with non-participating jurisdictions still to be negotiated Transition provisions to address legal continuity issues detailed table published last December

13 Board of Directors CMRA will be created in 2018
Meanwhile, governments have created an interim entity, Capital Markets Authority Implementation Organization (CMAIO), to permit appointment of the initial Board provide a vehicle to advance work on integrating the existing securities regulators into the CMRA Initial Board of 15 directors appointed July to assist in transition and implementation

14 Board Members William Black, chair Andrea Bolger Joan Dunne
Garth Girvan Rory Godinho Nancy Hopkins Peter Klohn Douglas Knight Jill Leversage Harold MacKay John McCoach Jean-Pierre Ouellet Vicky Sharpe Eric Tripp Howard Wetston

15 Timelines for 2018 Launch 2016 July — Board of Directors appointed
2017 — Legislative and integration work to proceed 2018 June — Legislation enacted in all jurisdictions 2018 — Cooperative system launched

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