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Drizzle MicroKernel.

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Presentation on theme: "Drizzle MicroKernel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drizzle MicroKernel

2 In the beginning...

3 5.0 Customer Advisory Board

4 Leap Forward Further Ease of Use Focus on the Web Use Open Source Methodology

5 Focus On Tomorrow World is 64bit SSD will be the common in Two Years
No New Locks, More Cores will be Common Modern Applications C++/STL/Boost

6 Further Ease of Use

7 One Blob No Three Byte Integer

8 Интернет является UTF-8.
は、 Web UTF - 8です。 The Web is UTF-8.

9 No Gotchas No bad record inserts. No hidden truncations.
No “is my filesystem case sensitive” issues No Modes

10 Infrastructure Aware

11 Organic Open Source Everything is public, complete transparency.
Release Early, Release Often. Launchpad and Hudson There is no Drizzle INC.

12 Client Client Client Routing Proxies SQL & REST Query Memcached Cache
Parser Parser Query 101101 Query 101101 Optimizer Optimizer Storage Routing

13 Client Client Client Routing Proxies SQL & REST Query Memcached Cache
Parser Parser Query 101101 Query 101101 Optimizer Optimizer Storage Routing

14 Today’s Pluggable Interfaces
Replication Storage Engine Logging Authentication Authorization Table Functions Functions Protocol Query Rewrite XA

15 Replication Google Protocol Buffer Based
Replicates row transformations. Integrates today with RabbitMQ, Casandra. Memcached, Gearman

16 libdrizzle Supports Drizzle (and MySQL, and SQLite) Asynchronous BSD

17 Authentication/Authorization
No Cost Authentication PAM, LDAP, HTTP

SHOW TEMPORARY TABLES All new SQL compliant information_schema

19 Storage Engines For nearly two years we have been a transactional database by default. No more table level locking engines. Federated Data Dictionary.

20 Shared Nothing Join Cost Elimination Cloud Ready

21 What are the highlights?

22 80+ Code Contributors

23 4 Companies With Core Developers

24 41 Active Translations

25 109,00 Lines of Code in Kernel (209,000)

26 No Warnings for GCC, Sun Studio

27 DBT2, Sysbench, SQLBench, Slap,Crash-Me

28 ~440 goto’s (compared to +2000)


30 Are we there yet?

31 Default Engine has been transactional for over a year, and passes all test cases.
Upgrades still require reload. Replication is still under testing.

32 Where are we going?

33 Rackspace Coming Beta with Cloud Sites web platform.
“Committed to Drizzle for it to succeed not only for our needs, but for the community needs.”

34 Better user usage tracking/resource handling.
More Authentication Handlers Hardened Replication Shared Nothing Storage Nodes Server Side Scripting <YOUR WORK>

35 Drizzle Developer Day! This Friday, room 209/210
Freenode #drizzle

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