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TGSAF - Grid Storage Access Framework

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1 TGSAF - Grid Storage Access Framework
(A simple paradigm to design Grid “Data Based Application”) Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid Catania, Salvatore Scifo Cometa Consortium (INFN), Catania – Italy Salvatore Parisi IR&T engineering s.r.l.

2 “Data Grid” Based Application
“Data Grid Application” context application that uses gLite Data Management System as Digital Repository This set of application collects a large type of application: e-learning platforms health care applications digital archives for cultural heritage earth e-science repositories other… TGSAF is SDK for Digital Libraries Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

3 Digital Libraries Architecture
Every application is customized according to its own purposes vertical dimension = specialization / customization Looking at the layered architecture we see how DATA ACCESS LAYERs share functions each other horizontal dimension = shared functions / common problems Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

4 Grid development troubles
Grid Data Services are independent from each others (SOA) They work in a “standalone” mode (API fragmentation) No coherence is ensured (uncontrollable resources) Fragmentation effects software engineers must consider a vertical architecture applications must take care themselves (at Business Logic Level), about the atomicity, coherence and synchronization of data manipulation (big development effort!) knowledge gap (traditional development vs. Grid development) code replication in different use cases for the same capabilities Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

5 GSAF collects shared features
( common features = common problems )  Design Pattern Built on top of the Grid Metadata Service and Grid Data Service collects and implements functionalities shared among applications according to “write once use anywhere” principle reduces the knowledge gap hiding the complexity and the fragmentation of the several underlying APIs exposing a unified interface more near to the developer mind (design patterns) rather than the Grid stuff details (API syntaxes) works as a black box providing classes and related methods for applications located above interfaces to extend the implemented capabilities Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

6 GSAF Logical Architecture
The Framework is designed to be a plug-in It logically includes all vertical specialized modules It provides a unique interface for programmers Developers just need to learn only one API The model is extensible to include other middleware or classic File Systems (also distributed) Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

7 gLite C/C++ API weakness
LGC Utils are not a framework LGC Utils are not GOOD for Data Grid Applications LGC Utils provide the only super interface Doesn’t include GSIFTP Doesn’t include GFAL Misses Metadata integration (AMGA) Messy overlap among different semantic APIs GFAL is only a POSIX-like file manager interface, it should not wrap LFC API because just RFIO would be enough Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

8 gLite 100% Java Solution New AMGA is supported
LFC API CNS API AMGA is supported only one super interface for Data Grid Application GSAF is an Object Oriented Framework Java 100% - Design Pattern based Clear design : object modeling / functional modeling Solves the fragmentation of DMS APIs Solves the natural (due to OGSA) inconsistence of services Provides ACID Transactional Model (coming soon) Road Map RFIO java native implementation SRM encapsulation GRelC integration Secure Storage integration modular and extensible Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

9 Transactional GSAF Transaction Manager means Challenge
ACID: Atomicity, consistence, Isolation, Duration Provide developers with a Transaction Pattern autocommit(), execute(), commit(), rollback() performs several data manipulation in Atomic Mode Hold Runtime Exceptions to limit Data Inconsistence System Crash Recovery to avoid Data Loss Challenge SOA of Grid middleware makes transactions impossible at server side GSAF works at client side No full control to resources and services (resource locking) No cache mechanism to save temporary data (action tracing) No backup system to store previous data status (backward restore) No full awareness of distributed resources usage (centralized access) ….. Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

10 Weakness/Solutions Only datasets under the control of a given application are protected by T-GSAF Metadata deletion/update can be very hard to compensate Consider the command rm /dir/dir1/dir1.2/*; how can we restore it without preventively save all related information? Sub directories, files, permission, stats, owner, ACLs, … However, if a single DMS subsystem is itself transactional we can suppose to solve this problem enabling local transaction according to the nested transaction model T={T1, …, Tn} T.commint()  T1.commit() ∩ … ∩ Tn.commit() T.rollback() if Tj T : Tj.rollback() File deletion is impossible to compensate without a Cache/Backup mechanism But it could be always the last operation, than if it fails we don’t need to compensate  Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

11 AMGA Web Interface Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

12 Grid Authoring & Provisioning
Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

13 ADAT – Archivio Digitale Antichi Testi
Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

14 References Downlod JARs file here Developer Guide Publications
Developer Guide Publications GSAF Grid Storage Access Framework. Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, WETICE Evry, France, June 2007 . AMGA Web Interface - Proceedings of the 30st International Convention MIPRO, Conference on Grid and Visualization Systems (GVS). Opatija, Croatia May 2007. A new paradigm to design, implement and deploy Grid oriented application: a biomedical use case. Proceedings of the Symposium Grid open days at the University of Palermo, pp Palermo, Italy, December 2007. Incontro dei Progetti PON Avviso 1575 con il ROC di INFN Grid - Catania 04/07/2008

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