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Published byTodd Cole Modified over 6 years ago
Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for Information Extraction
Daniel S. Weld CSE 454
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What is “Information Extraction”
9/4/2018 As a task: Filling slots in a database from sub-segments of text. October 14, 2002, 4:00 a.m. PT For years, Microsoft Corporation CEO Bill Gates railed against the economic philosophy of open-source software with Orwellian fervor, denouncing its communal licensing as a "cancer" that stifled technological innovation. Today, Microsoft claims to "love" the open-source concept, by which software code is made public to encourage improvement and development by outside programmers. Gates himself says Microsoft will gladly disclose its crown jewels--the coveted code behind the Windows operating system--to select customers. "We can be open source. We love the concept of shared source," said Bill Veghte, a Microsoft VP. "That's a super-important shift for us in terms of code access.“ Richard Stallman, founder of the Free Software Foundation, countered saying… IE NAME TITLE ORGANIZATION Bill Gates CEO Microsoft Bill Veghte VP Microsoft Richard Stallman founder Free Soft.. Slides from Cohen & McCallum 3
Classify Pre-segmented Candidates Try alternate window sizes:
Landscape of IE Techniques: Models Lexicons Alabama Alaska … Wisconsin Wyoming Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. member? Classify Pre-segmented Candidates Classifier which class? Sliding Window Try alternate window sizes: Boundary Models BEGIN END Context Free Grammars NNP V P NP PP VP S Most likely parse? Finite State Machines Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky. Most likely state sequence? Each model can capture words, formatting, or both Slides from Cohen & McCallum 9/4/2018 4:15 PM
Finite State Models Generative directed models HMMs Naïve Bayes
Sequence General Graphs Conditional Conditional Conditional Logistic Regression General CRFs Linear-chain CRFs General Graphs Sequence
Warning Graphical models add another set of arcs between nodes where the arcs mean something completely different – confusing. Skip for 454 New sldies are too abstract
Recap: Naïve Bayes Classifier
Spam? Hidden state y Causal dependency (probabilistic) P(xi | y=spam) P(xi | y≠spam) Random variables (Boolean) x1 x2 x3 Observable Nigeria? Widow? CSE 454?
The article appeared in the Seattle Times.
Recap: Naïve Bayes Assumption: features independent given label Generative Classifier Model joint distribution p(x,y) Inference Learning: counting Can we use for IE directly? Labels of neighboring words dependent! The article appeared in the Seattle Times. city? Need to consider sequence! capitalization length suffix
Hidden Markov Models Finite state model state sequence other person … y y y y y y y y8 location other observation sequence x x x x x x x x8 person person Yesterday Pedro … Generative Sequence Model 2 assumptions make joint distribution tractable 1. Each state depends only on its immediate predecessor. 2. Each observation depends only on current state. Graphical Model transitions … … observations
Hidden Markov Models Generative Sequence Model Model Parameters
Finite state model state sequence other person … y y y y y y y y8 location other observation sequence x x x x x x x x8 person person Yesterday Pedro … Generative Sequence Model Model Parameters Start state probabilities Transition probabilities Observation probabilities Graphical Model transitions … … observations
HMM Formally Set of states: {yi} Set of possible observations {xi}
Probability of initial state Transition Probabilities Emission Probabilities
Example: Dishonest Casino
Casino has two dice: Fair die P(1) = P(2) = P(3) = P(5) = P(6) = 1/6 Loaded die P(1) = P(2) = P(3) = P(5) = 1/10 P(6) = 1/2 Casino player switches dice Approx once every 20 turns Game: You bet $1 You roll (always with a fair die) Casino player rolls (maybe with fair die, maybe with loaded die) Highest number wins $2 Slides from Serafim Batzoglou 13
The dishonest casino model
0.05 0.95 0.95 FAIR LOADED P(1|F) = 1/6 P(2|F) = 1/6 P(3|F) = 1/6 P(4|F) = 1/6 P(5|F) = 1/6 P(6|F) = 1/6 P(1|L) = 1/10 P(2|L) = 1/10 P(3|L) = 1/10 P(4|L) = 1/10 P(5|L) = 1/10 P(6|L) = 1/2 0.05 Slides from Serafim Batzoglou 14
IE with Hidden Markov Models
Given a sequence of observations: Yesterday Pedro Domingos spoke this example sentence. and a trained HMM: person name location name background Find the most likely state sequence: (Viterbi) Yesterday Pedro Domingos spoke this example sentence. Any words said to be generated by the designated “person name” state extract as a person name: Person name: Pedro Domingos Slide by Cohen & McCallum
IE with Hidden Markov Models
For sparse extraction tasks : Separate HMM for each type of target Each HMM should Model entire document Consist of target and non-target states Not necessarily fully connected 16 Slide by Okan Basegmez
Or … Combined HMM Example – Research Paper Headers 17
Slide by Okan Basegmez
HMM Example: “Nymble” Train on ~500k words of news wire text. Results:
[Bikel, et al 1998], [BBN “IdentiFinder”] Task: Named Entity Extraction Person end-of-sentence start-of-sentence Org Train on ~500k words of news wire text. (Five other name classes) Other Results: Case Language F1 . Mixed English 93% Upper English 91% Mixed Spanish 90% Slide adapted from Cohen & McCallum
Finite State Model vs. Path … x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 … y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6
Person end-of-sentence start-of-sentence Org (Five other name classes) vs. Path Other y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 … x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 …
Question #1 – Evaluation
GIVEN A sequence of observations x1 x2 x3 x4 ……xN A trained HMM θ=( , , ) QUESTION How likely is this sequence, given our HMM ? P(x,θ) Why do we care? Need it for learning to choose among competing models!
Question #2 - Decoding GIVEN
A sequence of observations x1 x2 x3 x4 ……xN A trained HMM θ=( , , ) QUESTION How dow we choose the corresponding parse (state sequence) y1 y2 y3 y4 ……yN , which “best” explains x1 x2 x3 x4 ……xN ? There are several reasonable optimality criteria: single optimal sequence, average statistics for individual states, …
A parse of a sequence Given a sequence x = x1……xN,
A parse of o is a sequence of states y = y1, ……, yN person 1 2 K … 1 1 2 K … 1 2 K … 1 2 K … … 2 2 other K location x1 x2 x3 xK Slide by Serafim Batzoglou
Question #3 - Learning GIVEN
A sequence of observations x1 x2 x3 x4 ……xN QUESTION How do we learn the model parameters θ =( , , ) which maximize P(x, θ ) ?
Three Questions Evaluation Decoding Learning Forward algorithm
(Could also go other direction) Decoding Viterbi algorithm Learning Baum-Welch Algorithm (aka “forward-backward”) A kind of EM (expectation maximization)
A Solution to #1: Evaluation
Given observations x=x1 …xN and HMM θ, what is p(x) ? Enumerate every possible state sequence y=y1 …yN Probability of x and given particular y Probability of particular y Summing over all possible state sequences we get 2T multiplications per sequence For small HMMs T=10, N=10 there are 10 billion sequences! NT state sequences!
Solution to #1: Evaluation
Use Dynamic Programming: Define forward variable probability that at time t - the state is Si - the partial observation sequence x=x1 …xt has been emitted
Forward Variable t(i)
Prob - that the state at time t vas value Si and - the partial obs sequence x=x1 …xt has been seen 1 1 1 1 person … … 2 2 2 2 other … … … … … … K K K K location … … x1 x2 x3 xt
Forward Variable t(i)
prob - that the state at t vas value Si and - the partial obs sequence x=x1 …xt has been seen 1 1 1 1 person … … 2 2 2 2 other … … Si … … … … K K K K location … … x1 x2 x3 xt
Solution to #1: Evaluation
Use Dynamic Programming Cache and reuse inner sums Define forward variables probability that at time t the state is yt = Si the partial observation sequence x=x1 …xt has been omitted
The Forward Algorithm
O(K2N) Space: O(KN) K = |S| #states N length of sequence
The Backward Algorithm
Three Questions Evaluation Decoding Learning Forward algorithm
(Could also go other direction) Decoding Viterbi algorithm Learning Baum-Welch Algorithm (aka “forward-backward”) A kind of EM (expectation maximization)
Looks like this but deltas
Need new slide! Looks like this but deltas
Solution to #2 - Decoding
Given x=x1 …xN and HMM θ, what is “best” parse y1 …yN? Several optimal solutions 1. States which are individually most likely 2. Single best state sequence We want to find sequence y1 …yN, such that P(x,y) is maximized y* = argmaxy P( x, y ) Again, we can use dynamic programming! 1 2 K … o1 o2 o3 oK
Backtracking to get state sequence y*
The Viterbi Algorithm DEFINE INITIALIZATION INDUCTION TERMINATION Backtracking to get state sequence y*
The Viterbi Algorithm Time: O(K2T) Linear in length of sequence Space:
x1 x2 ……xj-1 xj……………………………..xT State 1 Max 2 i δj(i) K Time: O(K2T) Space: O(KT) Linear in length of sequence Remember: δk(i) = probability of most likely state seq ending with state Sk Slides from Serafim Batzoglou
The Viterbi Algorithm Pedro Domingos 41
Three Questions Evaluation Decoding Learning Forward algorithm
(Could also go other direction) Decoding Viterbi algorithm Learning Baum-Welch Algorithm (aka “forward-backward”) A kind of EM (expectation maximization)
Solution to #3 - Learning
Given x1 …xN , how do we learn θ =( , , ) to maximize P(x)? Unfortunately, there is no known way to analytically find a global maximum θ * such that θ * = arg max P(o | θ) But it is possible to find a local maximum; given an initial model θ, we can always find a model θ’ such that P(o | θ’) ≥ P(o | θ)
Chicken & Egg Problem If we knew the actual sequence of states
It would be easy to learn transition and emission probabilities But we can’t observe states, so we don’t! If we knew transition & emission probabilities Then it’d be easy to estimate the sequence of states (Viterbi) But we don’t know them! 44 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 44
Simplest Version Mixture of two distributions
Know: form of distribution & variance, % =5 Just need mean of each distribution 45 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 45
Input Looks Like 46 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 46
We Want to Predict ? 47 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 47
Chicken & Egg Note that coloring instances would be easy
if we knew Gausians…. 48 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 48
Chicken & Egg And finding the Gausians would be easy
If we knew the coloring 49 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 49
Expectation Maximization (EM)
Pretend we do know the parameters Initialize randomly: set 1=?; 2=? 50 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 50
Expectation Maximization (EM)
Pretend we do know the parameters Initialize randomly [E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable 51 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 51
Expectation Maximization (EM)
Pretend we do know the parameters Initialize randomly [E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable 52 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 52
Expectation Maximization (EM)
Pretend we do know the parameters Initialize randomly [E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable [M step] Treating each instance as fractionally having both values compute the new parameter values 53 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 53
ML Mean of Single Gaussian
Uml = argminu i(xi – u)2 54 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 54
Expectation Maximization (EM)
[E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable [M step] Treating each instance as fractionally having both values compute the new parameter values 55 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 55
Expectation Maximization (EM)
[E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable 56 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 56
Expectation Maximization (EM)
[E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable [M step] Treating each instance as fractionally having both values compute the new parameter values 57 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 57
Expectation Maximization (EM)
[E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable [M step] Treating each instance as fractionally having both values compute the new parameter values 58 Slide by Daniel S. Weld 58
EM for HMMs [E step] Compute probability of instance having each possible value of the hidden variable Compute the forward and backward probabilities for given model parameters and our observations [M step] Treating each instance as fractionally having both values compute the new parameter values - Re-estimate the model parameters - Simple Counting 59 59
Summary - Learning Use hill-climbing Idea
Called the forward-backward (or Baum/Welch) algorithm Idea Use an initial parameter instantiation Loop Compute the forward and backward probabilities for given model parameters and our observations Re-estimate the parameters Until estimates don’t change much
Following slides are unclear
The Problem with HMMs We want more than an Atomic View of Words
We want many arbitrary, overlapping features of words y y y identity of word ends in “-ski” is capitalized is part of a noun phrase is in a list of city names is under node X in WordNet is in bold font is indented is in hyperlink anchor last person name was female next two words are “and Associates” t - 1 t t+1 … is “Wisniewski” … part of noun phrase ends in “-ski” x x x t - 1 t t +1 Slide by Cohen & McCallum
Finite State Models ? Generative directed models HMMs Naïve Bayes
Sequence General Graphs Conditional Conditional Conditional Logistic Regression General CRFs Linear-chain CRFs General Graphs Sequence
Problems with Richer Representation and a Joint Model
These arbitrary features are not independent. Multiple levels of granularity (chars, words, phrases) Multiple dependent modalities (words, formatting, layout) Past & future Two choices: Model the dependencies. Each state would have its own Bayes Net. But we are already starved for training data! Ignore the dependencies. This causes “over-counting” of evidence (ala naïve Bayes). Big problem when combining evidence, as in Viterbi! (Similar issues in bio-sequence modeling,...) S S S S S S t - 1 t t+1 t - 1 t t+1 O O O O O O Slide by Cohen & McCallum t - 1 t t +1 t - 1 t t +1
Discriminative and Generative Models
So far: all models generative Generative Models … model P(x,y) Discriminative Models … model P(x|y) P(x|y) does not include a model of P(x), so it does not need to model the dependencies between features!
Discriminative Models often better
Eventually, what we care about is p(y|x)! Bayes Net describes a family of joint distributions of, whose conditionals take certain form But there are many other joint models, whose conditionals also have that form. We want to make independence assumptions among y, but not among x.
Conditional Sequence Models
We prefer a model that is trained to maximize a conditional probability rather than joint probability: P(y|x) instead of P(y,x): Can examine features, but not responsible for generating them. Don’t have to explicitly model their dependencies. Don’t “waste modeling effort” trying to generate what we are given at test time anyway. Slide by Cohen & McCallum
Finite State Models Generative directed models HMMs Naïve Bayes
Sequence General Graphs Conditional Conditional Conditional Logistic Regression General CRFs Linear-chain CRFs General Graphs Sequence
Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields
Conditional p(y|x) that follows from joint p(y,x) of HMM is a linear CRF with certain feature functions!
Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields
Definition: A linear-chain CRF is a distribution that takes the form where Z(x) is a normalization function parameters feature functions
Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields
HMM-like linear-chain CRF Linear-chain CRF, in which transition score depends on the current observation … … … …
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