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Multiculturalism in a Global Community

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1 Multiculturalism in a Global Community
To understand other cultures by Food ways Each culture has its own distinctive custom, etiquettes, menus, dishes in relation to food.

2 To understand other cultures by Food ways Each culture has its own
distinctive custom, etiquettes, menus, dishes in relation to food. Different Table manners Using Folk and Knife (European countries) Using Chopsticks (East Asian countries) Using Hands (India)

3 European countries East Asian countries India

4 Different Style of Table Setting
Collective way of eating or Spirit of Sharing (Korea) There is a soup pot in the middle of table. Many side dishes are served at a time and you can share. (Korea) There is a rotating table and you can pick food. (Famous China Town Style) Individual dish is served. (Many European countries, Japan)

5 Korea

6 Famous China Town Style

7 Many European countries

8 Japan

9 Religion and Food Food taboos vary in each religion with different reasons. Islam: polluted pork Hindu: sacred cow Jews: Kosher, the clean food

10 polluted pork

11 sacred cow

12 Kosher, the clean food

13 Food is always Travelling.
Tomatoes were travelling from Mexico to Europe about 200 years ago. Since then tomato is one of the favorite food among them. American Potatoes were also sent to Europe and became the major food. Various spices from Asia and America to Europe.

14 Mexico Tomatoes

15 American Potatoes

16 Various spices

17 Fusion Food Once a foreign dish was introduced, it has changed in the borrower’s taste and style. Ex. Korean Chinese black bean noodle is very famous. Sweet radish pickle (originally from Japan) Japanese style of Indian Curry Rice Burger, Coffee Mix (Korean invention) Recently people in the world love a fusion style of food.

18 Sweet radish pickle

19 Japanese style of Indian Curry

20 Rice Burger

21 Coffee Mix Kimchi Pizza

22 As food and food ways of each country are distinctive, each
culture has its own color and taste. Yet, if we closely look into the history of food, adaption and fusion were common phenomena. Food has developed into its multicultural aspects. Likewise, in other dimensions in a culture multiculturalism should be pursued both in domestic and international arenas.

23 Thank you

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