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Community Advisory Council

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1 Community Advisory Council
September 11, 2017

2 Greetings Regrets: Guests: Darren Connolly, Patient Advisor
Nancy Dool-Kontio, Director, Corporate Planning

3 Today’s Agenda Greeting and introductions
Review and approval of May 8th meeting minutes Roundtable Updates Membership Update Patient Story Patient Declaration of Values Refreshment Break Informing LHSC’s Strategic Plan: Values Consultation to Help Transform LHSC Wrap-up

4 Approval of May 8th Minutes
Comments or Questions?

5 Roundtable Updates

6 Membership Update Overview: Goal: seeking 2-3 new community members
CAC members – 2 year term - renewable for a maximum of 3 terms (6 years). January start of the first term for all original members December 2018 will be the end of the renewable term for original members CAC currently has 14 members (10 community and 4 LHSC) Over the summer we said “good-bye” to Tyla Thomas-Jacques, Lisa Hawthornthwaite and Sandy Jansen Jill Sangha is joining the CAC Goal: seeking 2-3 new community members Forward names/contact info of potential candidates to Cathy

7 Patient Story Our guest: Darren Connolly

8 Listening to Patient & Family Stories
Listen for patient and family-centred care elements: Respect, dignity, communication, collaboration, comprehensive and coordinated care 2. Reflective Practice: Pay attention to your own reactions, interpretations and judgments. What is your learning or insight about your personal beliefs or biases?

9 Darren’s Story This is Our Story

10 On January 16th 2004 our son Tyler was born
Our World Changed On January 16th 2004 our son Tyler was born

11 Coming Home On February 18th 2004 we came home from the hospital
We began to welcome a whole new team of people into our lives…

12 Occupational Therapist
Our Team Neurologist Funding Coordinator Behavioural Psychologist Music Therapist Social Worker G.I. Specialist Ophthalmologist Developmental Pediatrician Shift Nursing Physiotherapist Dietician Vision Therapist Nursing Coordinator Pediatrician Psychometrist CCAC Case Manager Occupational Therapist Orthopedic Surgeon Speaker: Family Advisor Recreational Therapist Speech and Language Pathologist

13 Emergency Visits 120,000 hours into our journey

14 How does it feel?

15 Normalizing our life

16 Our toughest days are here. Smile. Point us in the right direction
What Matters Say “Hello” Our toughest days are here. Smile. Point us in the right direction

17 Fun!

18 Hope is part of the journey
Speaker: Family Advisor

19 The Family Perspective
Patient & Family Centered Care Respect & Dignity Collaboration & Empowerment Information Sharing & Communication Coordination & Comprehensiveness Discussion

20 Thank You

21 Patient Declaration of Values
Jill Sangha Manager, Patient Safety and Experience

22 Declaration of Patient Values

23 Refreshment break!

24 Informing LHSC’s Strategic Plan
Our guest: Nancy Dool-Kontio, Director of Corporate Planning

25 Informing LHSC’s Strategic Plan
Strategic Planning Sets the mission, vision, and values of the organization Mission – the key purpose of the organization Vision – what the organization is becoming Values – how team members behave in living the mission Sets the strategic direction of the organization and specific initiatives that will be completed to realize the vision

26 Informing LHSC’s Strategic Plan
Process Environmental scan Current state analysis. Input from: Over 1,000 individuals within LHSC (including CAC in May) Health, governmental and academic agencies Key leaders in the health and education system Patients and families Board of Directors, medical and administrative retreats April June October Board approval of the plan set for November

27 Draft Values for Consultation
Questions to Consider Are the value definitions clear? Are the behavioural statements clear? Measurable? When read together are the value statements well integrated and complimentary with each value and with the mission and vision? Each value is presented with a title, definition and behavioural statements. Behavioural statements are used to provide concrete examples of what it looks like to live the values. Values will be integrated into all aspects of the organization including recruiting, performance appraisals and training. The behaviours are written in the first person to personalize the commitments and behaviours. The values apply to staff, physicians, volunteers, students and associated contract staff within LHSC.

28 Draft Values for Consultation

29 Draft Values for Consultation

30 Draft Values for Consultation

31 Draft Values for Consultation

32 Wrap-Up Next CAC Meeting: November 6, 4pm

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