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Updates on the p0p0g analysis Upper limit for h→p0p0 decay

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1 Updates on the p0p0g analysis Upper limit for h→p0p0 decay
S. Giovannella Preliminary studies for: Upper limit for h→p0p0 decay Exclusive analysis adding 2005/2006 data f decays meeting – 28 Apr 2006

2 Upper limit for h→p0p0 The data sample used for the f→Sg analysis can be used to evaluate the upper limit for the h→p0p0 decay by looking at the Mpp spectra All 450 pb-1 from 2001/2002 data considered Data-MC normalization done “by eye” using the ratio between the different MC contribution evaluated at √s = MeV For h→p0p0 the current PDG upper limit is used The U.L. can be easly improved by a relevant factor

3 Exclusive analysis: Sg vs wp0 events
Analysis reminder: Two kinematic fit with a process independent pairing procedure After having applied a c2/Ndof<5 cut, the p0g pair providing the Mpg closest to Mw is chosen wp0 events are selected in a 3sM window around Mw, Sg is all the rest √s = MeV wp0 Sg

4 Exclusive analysis: off-peak data
Excl. analysis repeated for scan + off-peak (28 pb-1 from Feb06) data from 2005/2006 ECL efficiency evaluated directly from data using the new UFO stream (ScF=1:20)! Not perfect data-MC comparison… A dedicated MC prodution is needed! √s = MeV wp0 Sg

5 Sg and wp0 events vs √s wp0 fit using 2001/2002 data only Sg wp0

6 wp0 events vs √s

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