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Machine Learning Evolutionary Algorithm (2)

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1 Machine Learning Evolutionary Algorithm (2)

2 Evolutionary Programming

3 EP quick overview Developed: USA in the 1960’s Early names: D. Fogel
Typically applied to: traditional EP: machine learning tasks by finite state machines contemporary EP: (numerical) optimization Attributed features: very open framework: any representation and mutation op’s OK crossbred with ES (contemporary EP) consequently: hard to say what “standard” EP is Special: no recombination self-adaptation of parameters standard (contemporary EP)

4 Evolutionary Programming (EP)
There is no fixed structure for representation. There is only mutation operation, and cross-over is not used in this method. Each child is determined by its parent in a way of mutation. So, we can conclude that there are three steps: Initialize population and calculate fitness values for initial population Mutate the parents and generate new population Calculate fitness values of new generation and continue from the second step.

5 EP technical summary tableau
Representation Finite State Machine Recombination None Mutation Gaussian perturbation Parent selection Deterministic Survivor selection Probabilistic (+) Specialty Self-adaptation of mutation step sizes (in meta-EP)

6 Prediction by finite state machines
Finite state machine (FSM): States S Inputs I Outputs O Transition function  : S x I  S x O Transforms input stream into output stream Can be used for predictions, e.g. to predict next input symbol in a sequence

7 FSM example Consider the FSM with: S = {A, B, C} I = {0, 1}
O = {a, b, c}  given by a diagram

8 FSM as predictor Consider the following FSM Task: predict next input
Quality: % of in(i+1) = outi Given initial state C Input sequence Leads to output Quality: 3 out of 5

9 Introductory example: evolving FSMs to predict primes
P(n) = 1 if n is prime, 0 otherwise I = N = {1,2,3,…, n, …} O = {0,1} Correct prediction: outi= P(in(i+1)) Fitness function: 1 point for correct prediction of next input 0 point for incorrect prediction Penalty for “too much” states

10 Introductory example: evolving FSMs to predict primes
Parent selection: each FSM is mutated once Mutation operators (one selected randomly): Change an output symbol Change a state transition (i.e. redirect edge) Add a state Delete a state Change the initial state

11 Genetic Programming

12 THE CHALLENGE "How can computers learn to solve problems without being explicitly programmed? In other words, how can computers be made to do what is needed to be done, without being told exactly how to do it?"  Attributed to Arthur Samuel (1959)

13 GP quick overview Developed: USA in the 1990’s Early names: J. Koza
Typically applied to: machine learning tasks (prediction, classification…) Attributed features: competes with neural nets and alike needs huge populations (thousands) slow Special: non-linear chromosomes: trees, graphs mutation possible but not necessary (disputed!)

14 GP technical summary tableau
Representation Tree structures Recombination Exchange of subtrees Mutation Random change in trees Parent selection Fitness proportional Survivor selection Generational replacement

15 REPRESENTATIONS Decision trees If-then production rules Horn clauses
Neural nets Bayesian networks Frames Propositional logic Binary decision diagrams Formal grammars Coefficients for polynomials Reinforcement learning tables Conceptual clusters Classifier systems


17 Introductory example: credit scoring
Bank wants to distinguish good from bad loan applicants Model needed that matches historical data ID No of children Salary Marital status OK? ID-1 2 45000 Married ID-2 30000 Single 1 ID-3 40000 Divorced

18 Introductory example: credit scoring
A possible model: IF (NOC = 2) AND (S > 80000) THEN good ELSE bad In general: IF formula THEN good ELSE bad Only unknown is the right formula, hence Natural fitness of a formula: percentage of well classified cases of the model it stands for Natural representation of formulas (genotypes) is: parse trees

19 Introductory example: credit scoring
IF (NOC = 2) AND (S > 80000) THEN good ELSE bad can be represented by the following tree AND S 2 NOC 80000 > =

20 Tree based representation

21 Tree based representation
(x  true)  (( x  y )  (z  (x  y)))

22 Tree based representation
while (i < 20) { i = i +1 }

23 Tree based representation
In GA, ES, EP chromosomes are linear structures (bit strings, integer string, real-valued vectors, permutations) Tree shaped chromosomes are non-linear structures In GA, ES, EP the size of the chromosomes is fixed Trees in GP may vary in depth and width

Creation.avi (creation.gif converted to AVI movie file)

25 Tree based representation
Symbolic expressions can be defined by Terminal set T Function set F (with the arities of function symbols) Adopting the following general recursive definition: Every t  T is a correct expression f(e1, …, en) is a correct expression if f  F, arity(f)=n and e1, …, en are correct expressions There are no other forms of correct expressions In general, expressions in GP are not typed (closure property: any f  F can take any g  F as argument)

Available functions F = {+, -, *, %, IFLTE} Available terminals T = {X, Y, Random-Constants} The random programs are: Of different sizes and shapes Syntactically valid Executable

27 GA flowchart GP flowchart

28 Mutation (+ 2 3 (* X 7) (/ Y 5)) + 2 3 * / X 7 Y 5

29 Mutation First pick a random node (+ 2 3 (* X 7) (/ Y 5)) + 2 3 * X 7

30 Mutation Delete the node and its children, and replace with a randomly generated program (+ 2 3 (+ (* 4 2) 3) (/ Y 5)) + 2 3 + / * 3 Y 5 4 2

31 Crossover (+ X (* 3 Y)) (- (/ 25 X) 7) + - X * / 7 3 Y 25 X

32 Crossover (+ X (* 3 Y)) (- (/ 25 X) 7)
Pick a random node in each program + - X * / 7 3 Y 25 X

33 Crossover (+ X (* (/ 25 X) Y)) (- 3 7) Swap the two nodes + - X * 3 7

34 Mutation cont’d Mutation has two parameters:
Probability pm to choose mutation vs. recombination Probability to chose an internal point as the root of the subtree to be replaced Remarkably pm is advised to be 0 (Koza’92) or very small, like 0.05 (Banzhaf et al. ’98) The size of the child can exceed the size of the parent

35 Recombination Most common recombination: exchange two randomly chosen subtrees among the parents Recombination has two parameters: Probability pc to choose recombination vs. mutation Probability to chose an internal point within each parent as crossover point The size of offspring can exceed that of the parents

36 Selection Parent selection typically fitness proportionate
Over-selection in very large populations rank population by fitness and divide it into two groups: group 1: best x% of population, group 2 other (100-x)% 80% of selection operations chooses from group 1, 20% from group 2 for pop. size = 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 x = 32%, 16%, 8%, 4% motivation: to increase efficiency, %’s come from rule of thumb Survivor selection: Typical: generational scheme (thus none) Recently steady-state is becoming popular for its elitism

37 Initialisation Maximum initial depth of trees Dmax is set
Full method (each branch has depth = Dmax): nodes at depth d < Dmax randomly chosen from function set F nodes at depth d = Dmax randomly chosen from terminal set T Grow method (each branch has depth  Dmax): nodes at depth d < Dmax randomly chosen from F  T nodes at depth d = Dmax randomly chosen from T Common GP initialisation: ramped half-and-half, where grow & full method each deliver half of initial population

Determining the set of terminals Determining the set of functions Determining the fitness measure Determining the parameters for the run Determining the method for designating a result and the criterion for terminating a run BBB3666 (converted to BMP from eps) The following were cut as parameter subpoints so that the text fit on a slide population size number of generations minor parameters

39 Building a Better Mouse
Apply Genetic Programming to the problem of navigating a maze What are our terminal and function sets? Function Set = {If-Movement-Blocked, While-Not-At-Cheese*} Terminal Set = {Move-Forward, Turn-Left, Turn-Right} * While-Not-At-Cheese will be used exclusively as the root node of the parse tree

40 Building a Better Mouse
How to get the starving mouse to the cheese? One possible solution: While not at the cheese If the way ahead is blocked Turn left 90 degrees Otherwise Move forward Turn right 90 degrees Cheese? Blocked? Is there a better solution for this maze? How good is this solution?

41 Building a Better Mouse
A fitness function: Each function and terminal other than the root node shall cost one unit to execute If the mouse spends more than 100 units, it dies of hunger The fitness measure for a program is determined be executing the program, then squaring the sum of the total units spent and the final distance from the exit A lower fitness measure is preferable to a higher fitness measure Cheese? Blocked?

42 Building a Better Mouse
While not at the cheese (12996) If the way ahead is blocked Turn left 90 degrees Otherwise Move forward one space Turn right 90 degrees

43 Building a Better Mouse
While not at the cheese (12996) If the way ahead is blocked Turn left 90 degrees Otherwise Move forward one space Turn right 90 degrees Mutation: While not at the cheese (12996) If the way ahead is blocked Turn left 90 degrees Otherwise

44 Building a Better Mouse
While not at the cheese (12996) If the way ahead is blocked Turn left 90 degrees Otherwise Move forward one space Turn right 90 degrees Crossover: While not at the cheese (11664) If the way ahead is blocked Move forward one space Turn right 90 degrees Otherwise While not at the cheese (12996) Turn left 90 degrees

45 Building a Better Mouse
(after 4202 generations, with 1000 programs per generation) While not at the cheese If the way ahead is blocked Turn right 90 degrees Move forward one space Otherwise Turn left 90 degrees Fitness measure: 2809 Is this better?

46 Example We seek to find the Boolean function that returns particular Boolean output values (0 or 1). The Boolean even-k-parity function of k Boolean arguments returns T (true=1) if an even number of its Boolean arguments are T, and otherwise returns F (false =0) (fitness function). Let the input are D0, D1, and D2. The output is S. Terminal set: D0, D1 and D2 Function set: AND, OR, NAND, and NOR. Fitness cases: sum of 8-combinations of the three Boolean arguments D0, D1, and D2 (Truth Table) cases do not equals the correct value of the even-3-parity function (error) construct 4 genes for this problem using Genetic Programming compute the fitness for these genes perform one crossover (best two genes) and one mutation operator for worst gene construct the new population

47 Summary

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