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Compiler Construction

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1 Compiler Construction
Chapter 6 Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

2 Syntax Directed Translation
Syntax directed definition (SDD) is a high-level language specification for translation. Syntax directed translation (SDT) describes translation of language constructs guided by context free grammars. The grammar together with semantic action is called syntax-directed translation They are used in automatic tools like YACC. SDT helps the compiler designer to translate the language constructs directly by attaching semantic actions or subroutines. Aα + {action} = SDT Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

3 Attributes for Grammar Symbols
Synthesized attribute – The value of a synthesized attribute at a node is computed from the values of attributes at the children of that node in the parse tree. Inherited attribute – The value of an inherited attribute is computed from the values of attributes at the siblings and parent of that node. Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

4 Writing Syntax Directed Translation
Involves three steps as follows: Define grammar for input string. Take a simple string and draw parse tree. Attach semantic actions by looking at expected output. Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

5 SDT for Evaluation of Expressions / Desk Calculator
E → E + T { E•val = E•val + T•val } E → T { E•val = T•val } T → T * F { T•val = T•val * F•val } T → F { T•val = F•val } F → id { F•val = num•lval } Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

6 Compiler Construction
Annotated Parse Tree Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

7 SDT for Converting Infix to Postfix Expression
E → E + T { print(‘+’); } E → T { } T → T * F { print(‘*’); } T → F { } F → id { print(“id•name”); } Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

8 Creation of Syntax Tree
E → E + T { E•nptr = mknode ( E•nptr , ‘+’ , T•nptr ) ; } E → T { E•nptr = T•nptr; } T → T * F { T•nptr = mknode ( T•nptr , ‘*’ , F•nptr ) ; } T → F { T•nptr = F•nptr; } F → id { F•nptr = mknode ( NULL, id•lvalue , NULL ) ; } Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

9 S-Attributed Definition
It uses only synthesized attributes only. Semantic actions can be placed only at the end of right hand side of a production. Attributes are generally evaluated during bottom up parsing. Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

10 L-Attributed Definition
It allows both types. But if an inherited attribute is present there is a restriction. The restriction is – each inherited attribute is restricted to inherit either from parent or left sibling only. Translation rules can be placed anywhere on right hand side of the production. Attributes are generally evaluated by traversing the parse tree depth first and left to right. Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

11 SDT for Storing Type Information in Symbol Table
D → TL {L•type = T•type ; } T → int { T•type = int } T → char { T•type = char } L → L1 , id { L1•in = L•in ; add_type(L1•in , id) ; } L → id { add_type(L•in , id•name) ; } Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

12 Converting L-Attributed to S-Attributed Definition
D → D1 , id {D•type = D1•type ; add_type(D1•type , id•name) ; } D → T , id {L•type = T•type ; add_type(T•type , id•name) } T → int { T•type = int } T → char { T•type = char } Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

13 Compiler Construction
YACC Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

14 Compiler Construction
What Is YACC ? Automatic tool to build a parser for a given grammar. YACC (Yet Another Compiler Compiler) implements LALR(1) technique. Input is a CFG and actions to take upon recognizing a rule, i.e., SDT. Output is a parser in C. Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

15 Compiler Construction
LEX and YACC: A Team call yylex() [0-9]+ next token is NUM NUM ‘+’ NUM Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

16 Compiler Construction
Availability lex, yacc on most UNIX systems bison: a yacc replacement from GNU flex: fast lexical analyzer BSD yacc Windows/MS-DOS versions exist Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

17 YACC Basic Operational Sequence
gram.y File containing desired grammar in YACC format YACC program yacc C source program created by YACC cc or gcc C compiler a.out Executable program that will parse grammar given in gram.y Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

18 YACC – A Parser Generator
A language for specifying parsers and semantic analyzers lang.y Yacc compiler C compiler a.out tokens a.out syntax tree Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

19 Compiler Construction
YACC Programs %{ C declarations %} Yacc declarations %% Grammar rules Additional C code Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

20 YACC Program for Evaluation of Expressions
Input: 2+3*4 Output: 14 Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

21 YACC Program for Evaluation of Expressions
%{ #include<stdio.h> %} %token NUM %% L:L E '\n' {printf("value of expr=%d\n",$2);} |; E:E'+'T {$$=$1+$3;} | T ; T:T'*' F {$$=$1*$3;} |F F:NUM {$$=$1;} Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

22 Compiler Construction
main() { yyparse(); } void yyerror(char *s) {printf("error\n"); yylex() char c; while((c=getchar())!='\n') if(isdigit(c)) yylval=c-'0'; return NUM; else return c; } return c; Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

23 Compiler Construction
Input: 2+3*4 Output: 14 $yacc –v x.y gives y.output FSM Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

24 Compiler Construction
Lex Program %% [ \t] { } [0-9]+ {sscanf(yytext,"%d",&yylval); return num;} [\n] {return(yytext[0]);} [+*-/] {return(yytext[0]);} yywrap() { return 1; } Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

25 Compiler Construction
Parsing Parsers are already being used extensively for compiler construction, in database interfaces, in self-describing databases, in linguistics for text analysis, corpora analysis, machine translation, text analysis of b, in document preparation and conversion Compiler Construction Dr K. V. N. Sunitha

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