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GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop

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1 GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop
Subnational Indicators Subnational Outcome Indicator 1: SDG 6.2 in Targeted Administrative Areas GSF Results and Financial Monitoring Workshop

2 SOC.1: SDG 6.2 in targeted administrative areas Universal access to sustainable sanitation and hygiene facilities and behaviours (by SDG definition) in targeted administrative districts A long term goal that will not be achieved in the short term



5 Outcome Indicators SOC 1.1a: # of administrative areas that achieve SDG target 6.2 verified using national systems SOC 1.1b: # of communities that achieve SDG target verified using national systems SOC 1.1c: # of people living in communities that have achieved SDG target 6.2

6 What is meant by Targeted Administrative Areas?
A targeted administrative area can be a commune, a municipality, a district, a woreda, or any other nationally recognised administrative area. It should be a unit with clear accountability for hygiene and sanitation. Often it will be the principal unit of decentralised/local government that encompasses scale, and can be further sub-divided into lower levels of local government including communities or villages. The definition of targeted administrative areas will need to be clearly defined for each country

7 Communities Communities refer to a village-related social group, settlement or administrative division engaged by the programme. The definition of community will need to be clearly defined for each country.

8 Verification through National Systems
Verified using national systems refers to the formal inspection process adopted whereby areas receive official recognition (and certification) of SDG status

9 Subnational Output 1 SOP.1: Development of strategies and approaches that address safely managed sanitation SOP 1.1: # of implementing partners that have developed and implemented strategies and approaches to address safely managed sanitation This specifically refers to implementing partners that have developed and implemented strategies and or approaches to move beyond the creation of ODF communities and that support the drive to work towards SDG target 6.2.

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