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World History.

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1 World History

2 What is History? History is the study of the past, in particular the time since writing has allowed for a written record of the past. However, it also includes prehistory

3 Why do we study History? “We live our lives forward, but we understand them backwards” “Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

4 How do we study History? Chronologically – In time order
Thematically – According to related topics. On different levels Regional – Centreville Michigan Interregional – North America Global – World wide

5 Chronology of history We use timelines to examine the chronological relationships of different events in history. When we look at the whole span of history, we will see that it is divided into two time categories.

6 There is no year zero between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D.
1 B.C A.D. A.D. or C.E. B.C. or B.C.E. Prehistory Dead People Less Dead People Today There is no year zero between 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. Gregorian Christian calendar B.C. – Before Christ A.D. – Anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of our lord” Secular titles B.C.E. – Before the Common Era C.E. – Common Era


8 Geography and History go hand in hand.


10 Libyan Desert

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