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Aaron Tay Senior Librarian National University of Singapore Libraries

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1 Aaron Tay Senior Librarian National University of Singapore Libraries
Starting research from outside the library homepage, an analysis of user behavior from an academic library. Aaron Tay Senior Librarian National University of Singapore Libraries @aarontay

2 Discovery happens Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC 2007

3 “Assume that discovery happens elsewhere, and focus on fulfillment ” Tony Hirst, Open University

4 “Your OPAC sucks” - Karen G. Schneider (2006)

5 beyond

6 “After all, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still very much a pig.” Roy Tennant -- 2005 



9 Ithaka S+R Releases US Faculty Survey 2012

10 “The perceived decline in the role of the library catalog noted in previous cycles of this survey has been arrested and even modestly reversed, driven perhaps to some degree by significant strategic shifts in library discovery tools and services.” - Ithaka US Faculty Survey 2012


12 Innovative Interfaces - Encore
Main search tools Innovative Interfaces - Encore Serialssolutions’- Summon

13 Google -> Journal -> Library -> Journal
Google/Google Scholar Hit paywall Go back to library page Finally get article

14 Providing access when beginning outside library homepage
#1 Proxy bookmarklet – 2008

15 What is proxy bookmarklet?
Piece of javascript in bookmark that will append the ezproxy stem to any URL Gives access to full-text via libraries subscriptions


17 Offered by …..

18 Usage is high Why? No alternative method to access fulltext until 2013
No ip-authenication in-campus Heavy promotion from librarians since 2009

19 Engineering Information Literacy class


21 Installation guide is most popular guide

22 #3 Most popular FAQ

23 Enhance the proxy bookmarklet with Google analytics

24 http://musingsaboutlibrarianship. blogspot

25 We love Google analytics

26 Usage of bookmarklet over 12 months

27 Ezproxy initial logins per session

28 June 2012 – June 2013

29 #1 Pubmed

30 #2 Google Scholar

31 #3 Google

32 #4 Portal

33 Non-academic sources #9 #10

34 Significant changes in Jan ) Summon – Dec ) Google Scholar library links - program - Jan ) PubMed Linkout Local – Jan 2013

35 Summon as default search – Dec 2012

36 Google Scholar Library Links programme– Jan 2013

37 Pubmed linkout local– Jan 2013

38 Question 1. Did this reduce usage of bookmarklet?

39 Bookmarklet Usage as % of library searches
Unique visitors July Sept 2012 Oct 2012-Dec 2012 Jan Mar 2013 April June 2013 Proxy bookmarklet 20,256 32,312 29,542 22,230 Encore 72,545 54,674 7,280 4,420 Summon 5,295 13,122 62,634 45,386 % of search systems 26% 47.7% 42.3% 44.6%

40 After 3 months of adding link resolver in 2013
Link resolvers are rising… After 3 months of adding link resolver in 2013

41 Implications The default library search is still important but we should not neglect teaching users to access from outside the website


43 Google vs library search

44 http://www. libereurope
unthinkable-a-library-without-a-catalogue- reconsidering-the-future-of-discovery-to

45 Location and fulfillment
Location and fulfillment. If "discovery happens elsewhere" it is important for the library to be able to provide its users with location and fulfillment services which somehow connect to that discovery experience ways-looking-libraries-discovery-and-catalog- scale-workflow-attention

46 Teach multiple options
Search From Library page Make library search accessible off site Toolbar, browser plugin Mobile apps Forward to libraries wikipedia Support delivery options from external search systems etc Link resolver (e.g Google Scholar, Mendeley) Worldcat registry. OCLC holdings

47 Easier access to search from offsite

48 Wikipedia – Forward to Libraries

49 Support fulfillment

50 Cambridge Library toolbox


52 Remember to market!


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