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Logical appeals Emotional appeals Rhetorical questions Parallelism

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Presentation on theme: "Logical appeals Emotional appeals Rhetorical questions Parallelism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Define the following terms in your writer’s notebook using the information on pages 260 and 261:
Logical appeals Emotional appeals Rhetorical questions Parallelism After you define the terms, preview the reading by reading page 262.

2 Create the following chart to preview vocabulary:
Word Part of Speech Meaning Model Sentence Original Sentence Insidious Adjective Treacherous Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately removed? It is that insidious comment with which my ideas was rejected?

3 As you are reading: On post it notes record examples of Logical appeals, emotional appeals, rhetorical questions, and parallelism.

4 After you read: Work with a groups to discuss your notes.
Record your information on chart paper. Present your information to the class.

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