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Butterfly Class New Parents Meeting Asquith Primary School

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Presentation on theme: "Butterfly Class New Parents Meeting Asquith Primary School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Butterfly Class New Parents Meeting 2017-2018 Asquith Primary School
Growing to Succeed Butterfly Class New Parents Meeting

2 Friendship Courage Equality Respect
Welcome to Asquith Primary School Our 7 school values are… Friendship Courage Equality Respect Excellence Determination Inspiration These values underpin everything we do.

3 Butterfly Classes Mrs Amanda Ellis and Mrs Hannah Skelton
Miss Rosie Gledhill Teaching Assistants working across the two Butterfly classes are: Miss Nicola Dean Miss Jade Sheard Miss Anabela Trindade

4 Folder of information September start date and name of class teacher
School Prospectus contains; A to Z of General Information about our school Home/school agreement School calendar Ofsted report

5 Folder of information continued…
Data Collection Sheets to be completed and returned to school in September. Breakfast club form After School club form and information Guidelines if your child gets an infectious disease

6 Getting ready for September
Children will visit their new classroom and meet their classmates on the 6th and 7th July. Work together to achieve the seven “I can…” statements on their flower. Colour each petal when they can do it. Read the All About Us staff information sheet to your child. Complete the All About Me sheet together. If your child would like to learn to write their name, use the PENPALS handwriting information.

7 Helping your child with their learning
Read the months poster in your folder to learn more about the 17 areas of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Try some of the ideas on the poster. Look at the recommended websites e.g.

8 Continued…. Read to your child whenever you can.
Talk, ask questions and ensure they answer you in sentences, gently correcting their pronunciation of letter sounds. Support your child when they bring home a reading book, phonics or number activities, the whole school creative homework…

9 Parental involvement Terrific Tuesdays will be starting in October.
Three Stay and Play half day sessions in the second half of each term (November, March and June). From September you can record your child’s achievements on Tapestry, an online learning journal. Please attend the Curriculum Evening on 12th September from 6pm to 7.30pm.

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