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Early Reformers.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Reformers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Reformers

2 The Protestant Reformation

3 Background of Reformation

4 Background of Reformation
Papal corruption & abuses Renaissance popes Buying posts, absentee priests, plural posts Illegitimate children were appointed priests, bishops, abbots & abbesses Parishioners lost faith in sacraments administered by immoral clergy

5 Early Reformers John Wycliffe (1330-84)
Wycliffe desired to place Bible in hands of people in their own language, so he & followers translated Bible from Latin into English ( ) John Huss ( )

6 John Huss’ Teachings True church is composed of those chosen or predestined by God-influenced by Wycliffe Bible is final authority for matters of doctrine If pope or bishop does not obey Bible, he is not to be obeyed Christ, not church, is only mediator between God & humanity Only God can grant forgiveness, so for church to sell forgiveness through indulgences is to usurp God’s authority

7 Martin Luther How was Luther influenced by these early reformers?
Bible is supreme Church cannot grant salvation only god can

8 THE REFORMATION Began in 1517 with the criticisms of Martin Luther of certain practices within the Roman Catholic Church Is this an accurate date of the start of the Reformation? Various groups of former Catholics would break away from the Church and form their own denominations Known collectively as Protestants

9 Indulgences A pardon for sins, given by the Catholic Church
Indulgences were sold Who would benefit most from the selling of indulgences? The Church

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