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Warm Up Label each letter with the name of the biomolecule monomer and explain where is it made in the cell. A. C. B. D.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Label each letter with the name of the biomolecule monomer and explain where is it made in the cell. A. C. B. D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Label each letter with the name of the biomolecule monomer and explain where is it made in the cell. A. C. B. D.

2 Characteristics of Living Things

3 Characteristics of Living Things

4 Biology Biology is the study of life, so we are only interested in things that are living. It sounds silly, but we must define what characteristics are needed to determine if something is living or nonliving Living things must contain ALL of the characteristics, if they are missing one or more, they are considered nonliving

5 Living things must… 1) Be made of Cells – Smallest level that is living

6 Living Things must… 2) Be able to maintain their internal conditions which is called Homeostasis.

7 Living things must… 3) Be able to Reproduce Two Types: Asexual (Clones) – Only one parent Sexual – Two parents

8 Living things must… 4) Have complex Organization

9 13 Levels of Organization
Atom (Smallest) Molecule (Biomolecule) Organelle Cell (1st Level that is LIVING) Tissue Organ Organ System Organism Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere (Largest)

10 Living things must… 5) Be able to Metabolize Metabolism – a sum of all chemical reactions in the body that maintain life; Building up or breaking down of molecules.

11 Living things must… 6) Obtain and use Energy - Energy is conserved; it can be transformed. Examples: solar energy, chemical energy, cellular energy (ATP)

12 Living things must… Be able to 7) Develop and 10) Grow

13 Living things must…. 10) Growth - To increase in number and/or size
Development - Dramatic change in form (i.e. metamorphosis - caterpillarbutterfly; tadpole  frog)

14 Living things must… 8) Be able to Respond to Stimuli or the Environment (to maintain homeostasis) - Reacting to internal signals or signals from the environment

15 Living things must… 9) Adapt to their environment and develop adaptations Adaptation – Any characteristic (structure, function, behavior) that increases the chance for survival; it must be encoded in the DNA

16 Living things must… Be able to Adapt to the Surroundings or Environment – Any characteristic (structure, function or behavior) that increases the chance for survival; it must be encoded in the DNA.

17 Living Things Must…. 11) Contain Genetic Material – DNA and RNA.

18 Provide EVIDENCE from what you learned today!
Group Chat! In order for something to be considered living, it must exhibit all 11 of the characteristics. Now, discuss with your partner whether or not you think that zombies are living things. Provide EVIDENCE from what you learned today!

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