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Write in agenda: Homework

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1 Write in agenda: Homework
Vocab Day 5 on wiki 2 Journals Through History videos on Discovery Education – (due day of Rome Unit 8 Test) *Vocab Day 4 on desk

What new type of government did the Roman Republic create? What was the purpose of the Assemblies & Tribunes? What power did the Tribunes have? What were the 5 types of government and explain each one.

3 Warm Up – Day 5 On your study guide label and color the Review map

4 Unit Map – need purple, green, orange, yellow, and red

5 Notes Day 5 – Punic Wars Need purple, green, yellow orange, red
Create timeline on back of map from 500 BCE to 100 BCE Create key in bottom left corner Color Rome Purple 494 BCE – Rome forms a tripartite government

6 387 BCE – Gauls attack & take Rome
Rome becomes more organized with army = legions and centurions Farmers move to city as wealthy landowners buy up small farms Population boom = not enough food = expand trading around Mediterranean


8 264 BCE – Romans controlled entire Italian peninsula
Color Italian peninsula green Established military colonies Offered full Roman citizenship to those who quickly adopted Latin language and promised to obey Roman laws Built roads and public buildings for conquered lands = LOYAL ALLIES Competition grows between Romans and Carthaginians grows

9 Rise of Carthage Founded by Phoenicians (master shipbuilders and merchants – controlled Mediterranean) as a colony 600s BCE – fall of Phoenicians leads to Carthage creates own government and took over old Phoenician colonies 3x size of Rome and 4x population size

10 Colors: need yellow, orange, pink, and red

11 264 BCE – 1st Punic War Fight over Sicily (island @ the tip of boot)
Broke treaty : Italy = Romans, Western Mediterranean = Carthaginians, Sicily = both Naval battles Romans win, Carthaginians sign treaty = Rome receives payment and Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica Video 1 on Discovery Ed


13 BCE – 2nd Punic War Hannibal led troops across Spain and over Alps (elephants) 15 years conquered much of Italian Peninsula, but never took Rome Roman general, Scipio, drove Carthaginians from Spain and claimed for Rome Scipio sails to and attacks Carthage; Carthage calls Hannibal back Generals meet and then Zama – Romans win Treaty = Romans receive Spain and some islands Video 2 on Discovery Ed


15 BCE – 3rd Punic War Carthage honored treaty, but Romans angry that Carthage was rebuilding their trade and increasing wealth Provoked Carthage and later declared war on them Romans attacked city – city fell in 3 years Burned city and put survivors into slavery (50,000) Very little artifacts have been found Pink = North Africa Video 3 on Discovery Ed


17 146 – Death of Caesar Rome continued to move to new regions and brought their culture and ideas Red = Gaul, North Africa, Syria, Asia Minor, Brittania

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