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Orientations to the Teaching of Rabbinic Literature

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1 Orientations to the Teaching of Rabbinic Literature
Jon A. Levisohn Brandeis University January 27, 2008

2 What is a teaching orientation?
[An orientation is] a description not of a teacher’s “method” in some technical meaning of the word, but in a deeper sense, of a teacher’s most powerful conceptions and beliefs about the field he or she is teaching. It is the living expression of the philosophical questions… What is my view of the aims of education [in this subject], and how as a teacher do I attain those aims? Holtz, Textual Knowledge (2003)

3 Holtz’s Map of Orientations to the Teaching of Bible
The Contextual Orientation The Literary Orientation The Reader-Response Orientation The Jewish Interpretive (Parshanut) Orientation The Moralistic/Didactic Orientation The Personalization Orientation The Ideational Orientation The Bible Leads to Action Orientation The Decoding Orientation

4 A Menu of Orientations to the Teaching of Rabbinic Literature
The Torah/Instruction Orientation The Contextual Orientation The Literary Orientation The Cultural Studies Orientation The Halakhic/Legal Orientation The Historical Orientation The Jurisprudential Orientation The Encounter Orientation The Interpretive Orientation The Skills Orientation

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