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Broadening access through capturing non formal and informal learning

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1 Broadening access through capturing non formal and informal learning
Phil O’Leary Extended Campus Cork Institute of Technology

2 INTRODUCTION Higher Education must promote message of valuing all learning to community based groups. When we promote this message we are asking people to be aware of the key learning that they gain in life and to document these competencies.

3 METHOD Action research methodology used
Practice based form of research Collaborative Reflective aspect The Action Research cycle, Barrett 2011

4 CONTEXT FIRST CYCLE Research MA – An Exploration of Student Focused Initiatives to Support Recognition of Prior Learning Case Preparation Focus groups exploring reflection and developing reflective ability (2011)

5 Can a student develop as a reflective learner ?
Poster at NAIRTL Conference, NUI Galway 2011 7 themes emerged Reflection is difficult Learning environment important Tools to help with reflection – learning journals Examples of reflective writing good/bad Feedback Reflection provides valuable self awareness “Document everything as you go through life. Capture every experience no matter how small or insignificant. Get into the lifelong learning mindset and build a portfolio of all you have achieved”

6 CONTEXT SECOND CYCLE Added Valuing Learning page to CIT’s Recognition of Prior Learning website “Exploration of Reflection results in Valuing Learning Site” Presentation at LIN Conference October 11th 2012, Dublin


8 Your Operation Transformation 19th March 2013 CIT and Cork Adult Guidance


10 Workshops on e portfolios and documenting of non formal and informal competencies May 9th Refocus Group Mayfield, Cork City

11 WORKSHOP 9th May

12 Feedback: E portfolio is new and worthwhile skill to have Personal space “by me about me” Challenging to prepare, reflect and gather Significant tool to activate the learner in managing their competencies

13 THE INTENTION IS TO .. Activate Lifelong Learning Mindset of Learners
Maintain this personal space, build it over time Edit/amend or create other e portfolios for different purposes for interviews if going overseas reflective space learning plan Showcase non formal and informal learning – capture how you interact with others, teamwork, projects worked on, highlight key competencies. Illustrate your ability with documentation to support what you are saying, Proof: use photographs, log books, letters to certify a role, work samples, video clips of work in the community/workplace capturing problem solving or negotiating skills Protecting in a time of change

Non formal and informal learning can be assessed for credits



REFERENCES BARRETT, H Balancing the two faces of e Portfolios. Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines and Effective Practice from Around the Globe [Online]. Available: BARRETT, H. & GARRETT, N Online Personal Learning Environments. On the Horizon, 17, BROWN, J Experiential Learning E-Portfolios: Promoting Connections Between Academic and Workplace Learning Utilizing Information and Communication Technologies. American Educational Research Association Conference. Miami, Florida. COHEN, E. & HIBBITTS, B Beyond the Electronic Portfolio: A Lifetime Personal Web Space. Educause Quarterly, 4. DUVEKOT, R The age of APL, activating APL in a diversity of perspectives. NVR seminar on Kvalitekskodeks for realkompetence. Aarhus, Denmark. JAFARI, A The 'Sticky' Eportfolio System: Tackling challenges and identifying attributes. EDUCAUSE Review. EDUCAUSE. LATHROP, C Electronic, Portable and Green: Imperatives for Creating Today's e-Portfolio. Americal Medical Writers Association Journal, 26, LOUREIRO, A., MESSIAS, I. & BARBAS, M Embracing Web 2.0 & 3.0 tools to support lifelong learning - Let learners connect. Procedia; Social and behavioural Sciences, 46, O'LEARY, P. & O'SULLIVAN, S Exploration of Reflection Results in 'Valuing Learning' Site. Inspiring Creativity, Innovation and Change in Higher Education. Dublin: Learning Innovation Network. O'LEARY, P. & O'SULLIVAN, S e Portfolios can support students with Recognition of Prior Learning case preparation. International Technology, Education & Development Conference. Valencia.

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