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Incredible Shrinking Stars The End States of Stars.

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Presentation on theme: "Incredible Shrinking Stars The End States of Stars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incredible Shrinking Stars The End States of Stars

2 White Dwarfs

3 Earth White Dwarf White Dwarf Facts * Composition: carbon, oxygen * Mass limit < 1.4 M (Chandrasekhar Limit) * Avg mass  0.5 M Mass, radii  density  1 ton/cm3

4 Sirius B (white dwarf) Sirius Ultimate fate: continuous cooling . . .

5 Neutron Stars

6 Neutron Star: Final state of stellar core in some
supernova explosions. Composition: neutrons Mass: 1 – 2 M Density ~ 108 ton/cm3 ~ 10 km

7 Living on a Neutron Star
1. Your weight is enormous m = your mass M = neutron star mass R = neutrons star radius 150 lbs on Earth  ~ 1013 lbs on a neutron star

8 2. Marshmallows become dangerously explosive
Energy released equivalent to detonating ~ 10 tons of TNT. 1 meter Splat! Drop marshmallow on neutron star.

9 (large diameter, slow spin)
* Neutron stars should be rapidly spinning . . . Neutron Star (small diameter, rapid spin) Core, before collapse (large diameter, slow spin)

10 Slow Fast

11 * Neutron stars should have strong magnetic fields . . .
Field lines become concentrated.

12 Finding neutron stars 1. They should be hot: T  106 K L = surface area  T4 small tiny very high


14 Conversion of energy of rotation into
em radiation * Rotating magnetic field creates electric field. * Electric field drives electrons along lines of magnetic field. * Electrons radiate – mainly where magnetic field strong.

15 Rotating neutron star: Pulsar

16 Crab Nebula Pulsar

17 Crab pulses X-ray Period = 33 milliseconds (~ 30 rotations per second) Visual Radio

18 Pulsar Sounds Vela Pulsar: pulses/second PSR : 640 pulses/second

19 Black Holes

20 Mass Limits * White Dwarf: M  1.4 M * Neutron Star: M  M If stellar core should become iron with mass  M . . . Black Hole results!

21 What is Gravity? Newton Einstein Equivalence Principle

22 Space is curved – Gravity is a result of geometry!
[2-dimensional analog]

23 Light is affected by gravity . . .
Light from distant star follows curvature of space near Sun.

24 Gravity causes time to slow down . . .
Observes ground-floor clock to be slow. Photon loses energy as it moves upward – gravitational redshift.

25 Top of tower Bottom of tower e.g., 2 cycles/sec (a) 1 cycle/sec more ticks of clock (a) fewer ticks of clock

26 Black hole: infinitely deep ‘puncture’ in space-time.

27 Schwarzchild Black Hole
Singularity: zero volume, infinite density! Schwarzchild Radius (RS) At RS, escape velocity = speed of light Event Horizon

28 RS (km) = 3M M = mass in units of Sun’s mass
e.g., M = 1 M  RS = 3  1 = 3 km 6 km The Sun as a black hole

29 Escape velocity (mi/sec) 7 300 3000 100,000 From surface of: Earth Sun white dwarf neutron star

30 Falling into a Black Hole
1. Stretching Less gravity 2. Squeezing Tide More gravity Result: Heating B. H.

31 As seen by outside observer,
time runs slower & slower as person approaches B.H. B. H.

32 * By their effects on other objects.
Detecting Black Holes * By their effects on other objects. Strong x-ray source Only one star detected Motion of that star  unseen star is very massive

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