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Math & Science Curriculum Night 2017-2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Math & Science Curriculum Night 2017-2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Math & Science Curriculum Night

2 Math Workshop Model We start with Math Tubs where students do math activities and games with partners. - Builds Portrait of a Graduate Skills Direct Teach- TEKS, whole group & independent practice -Math facts

3 Data Analysis & Graphing
-Tally marks and T-charts -Picture and bar graphs -Draw conclusions and generate and answer questions using information from the graphs

4 Number Sense to 50 -Recognize and represent numbers instantly
-Count forward and backward -Place Value -Put numbers in order -Count by 2, 5, and 10 -10 more 10 less Compose and decompose numbers

5 Problem Solving Addition Subtraction to 10
Explain strategies to prove answers = means “is the same as” 6 = = 5+? Unknown anywhere in the problem ?-7=3 Write an equation to go with a story problem or write a story to go with an equation.

6 Measurement & Time Only measure length Use nonstandard units
Tell time to the hour and half hour

7 Financial Literacy & Money
Earning money to buy goods/services Distinguishing wants and needs Spending/saving/charitable giving Identify coins and tell their value

8 Number Sense to 99 Compare two numbers using < , > , =
Tell the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and/or dimes Skip count by 2’s, 5’s, 10’s to 100

9 Problem Solving to Addition & Subtraction to 20
Add a multiple of ten and a one digit number = ?

10 Geometry & Fractions Two dimensional shapes- circle, triangle rectangle, square, rhombus, hexagon Three dimensional solids- sphere, cube, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, triangular prism Fractions-halves and fourths

11 Number Sense to 120 Go to 120 to show that numbers have the same pattern as they did up to 100 Place Value **Math Homework will come home each Thursday & is due Friday.

12 Science- 50 min. every day Seasons & Weather Living & Non-living
Plants, soil, water Animal Life Cycles Animal characteristics Changes in Matter Force, motion and energy Magnets Earth & Space Science Lab/ Science notebooks

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