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Relationships and Conflict Resolution

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1 Relationships and Conflict Resolution
Health 7

2 Meet and Greet Bingo Shortly you will be interacting in class to find a classmate’s name to insert into a square of your bingo chart. A student’s name can only appear once and the statement must be true (aka don’t say you play soccer if you don’t actually play soccer).

3 The meet and greet bingo was an example of interacting and building relationships with others by learning more about them. What qualities do you feel are important in a healthy relationship? IE. Respect * On your own, complete the thought web under question 1 with what you feel is important in a healthy relationship.

4 Enhancing the School At school we have relationships with our friends, classmates, teachers, principals, caretakers, etc. Create one idea of a way we could improve the atmosphere and enhance relationships amongst students at Paterson? Write your idea under question number 2 on your worksheet.

5 When Relationships hit Road Bumps
Relationships sometimes go through tough times. It is important to know how to resolve a conflict (disagreement) effectively. There are 3 different types of conflict resolution (how to fix/answer the problem) we are going to talk about today.

6 Win/Win Each side of a dispute feels they have been heard and are happy with the way the situation was resolved. This is the conflict resolution outcome that is most desired.

7 Win/Lose The outcome of a disagreement leaves one person feeling positive about the outcome and the other person feels like the situation is still unfair or the resolution was not what they had hoped for.

8 Lose/Lose When both sides of the dispute end up upset about how the situation ended..

9 Amy Get’s What She Needs Amy Doesn’t Get What She Needs
Example Claire has a big test coming up, and has just started studying at home. Amy, her younger sister, has just home from school, turns on the stereo, and starts dancing. Claire gets up and asks Amy to turn down the stereo. Amy protests, saying she never gets to have fun, and turns the stereo up. A. Describe what's going on. What does Claire need? What does Amy need? If Claire won, what would she get? How would she feel? If Amy won, what would she get? How would she feel? Amy Get’s What She Needs Amy Doesn’t Get What She Needs Claire Gets What She Needs Win-Win Win-Lose Claire Doesn’t Get what She Needs Lose-Win Lose-Lose

10 Question #3 What are possible solutions to make a win/win situation between Amy and Claire?

11 Question #4 Give one example of conflict you have faced in your life (with friends, family, classmates, siblings, etc.) and what the outcome of the conflict was. Did it result in a win/win, win/lose, or lose/lose ending?

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