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2 Previously, on CS5248 MPEG Compression
Sequence, GOP, Picture, Slice, Macroblock, Block, DC/AC Coefficient I-Frame, P-Frame, B-Frame NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

3 MPEG Frame Sizes Constant Bitrate (CBR) vs. Variable Bitrate (VBR)
NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

4 Previously, on CS5248 RTP headers
SSRC, Media Timestamp, Marker Bit, Payload Type .. Application-Level Framing NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

5 You are Here Encoder Decoder Middlebox Sender Receiver Network
NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

6 Application-Level Framing

7 Let the application decide, not protocol stacks.
How to send/recv? Let the application decide, not protocol stacks. Tennenhouse + Clark NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

8 Application Knows Best
How to reorder packets Whether to ignore loss Which packet to retransmit NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

9 Application Data Unit (ADU)
Can be processed individually, even out-of-order Unit of error-recovery If part of an ADU is lost, the whole ADU is considered lost 8-Bit PCM audio: 1 ADU = 1 Byte MPEG1 Video: 1 ADU = NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

10 How to chop data into packets?
Every received packet should be useful (even in very lossy environments) Ideally, 1 ADU in 1 packet NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

11 RTP Payload Header MPEG-1? 2? Temporal Reference I? P? B?
RTP Header RTP Payload Header RTP Payload MPEG-1? 2? Temporal Reference I? P? B? Begin of Slice? End of Slice? NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

12 RTP Header Media Timestamp: 32 bits
the instant the first byte in this packet is captured 90 kHz timestamp (90000 = 1 second) NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

13 RTP Header Marker Bit: 1 if contains the last byte of a frame
NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

14 RTP Header 32 for MPEG-1 Payload Type: 7 bits NUS.SOC.CS5248-2009
Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

15 RTP Payload Header MBZ (5 bits) Unused. Must be 0 NUS.SOC.CS5248-2009
Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

16 RTP Payload Header T (1 bit)
1 if there is a MPEG-2 Extension Header after this header. NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

17 RTP Payload Header Temporal Reference (10 bits)
The ‘frame number’ of the current frame within the GOP NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

18 RTP Payload Header AN bit and N bit Set to 0 for MPEG-1
NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

19 RTP Payload Header S (1 bit)
Is there a sequence header in this packet? Repetition of sequence header is useful for resynchronization NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

20 RTP Payload Header BS (1 bit) and ES (1bit)
BS is 1 iff the ‘first’ byte of this payload is a slice header ES is 1 iff the last byte of this payload is the end of a slice NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

21 RTP Payload Header Picture Type (3 bits) I (1), P (2), B (3), D (4)
NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

22 RTP Payload Header Motion Vectors Information
Get from most recent picture header NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

23 Fragmentation Rules Sequence header: at the start of payload
GOP header: at the start of a payload (or follows Sequence header) Picture header: at the start of a payload (or follows Sequence/GOP header) NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

24 Fragmentation Rules A slice must be either
First data in the packet, or Follows integral number of slices A slice may be fragmented if exceeds the size of a packet NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

25 Packet Size 1 MTU is 1500 bytes IP Header UDP Header RTP Header
RTP Payload Header Payload Size = NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

26 Packetize MP3 or Speex audio into RTP Packets
Project Packetize MP3 or Speex audio into RTP Packets

27 Goal Use the Yima Personal Edition streaming media server code
Modify the yimasplit utility, which creates data blocks containing pre-computed RTP packets Server reads data blocks and sends out RTP packets Modify client to decompress and play audio NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

28 Project Homepage Descriptions Yima Personal Edition Code on CD-ROM
Documentation IVLE Forums NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

29 Advice The Yima PE source code is not very well documented
Select your own project, or do the suggested one Either way: Start early NUS.SOC.CS Roger Zimmermann (based in part on slides by Ooi Wei Tsang)

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