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1 Nationalism

2 Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791 Actually invented by a slave!

3 First Turnpike Lancaster, PA (1790)
By 1832, nearly 2400 mi. of road connected most major cities.

4 Cumberland “National Road,” 1811

5 The Erie Canal, 1820s

6 Erie Canal System

7 Robert Fulton & the Steamboat
The Clermont

8 The Election of 1816

9 James Monroe [ ]

10 ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS Presidency won by another Virginian James Monroe Troubles loom 1. tariff 2. Bank 3. Internal improvements 4. Sale of public lands 5. Sectionalism over slavery

11 The Tariff of 1816 After Treaty of Ghent 1814 British dump cheap goods on American markets Baby American industries want protection Nationalist Congress takes strongest stance ever with The Tariff of 1816 protection not revenue 20%- 25% strongly protective trend which Americans like

12 The American System By Henry Clay
Nationalistic trend to developing profitable home market Strong banking system Protective tariffs Network of roads, canals - esp through Ohio Valley Knit country together - especially road poor west

13 The American System WEST  got roads, canals, and federal aide.
EAST  got the backing of protective tariffs from the West. SOUTH  ??

14 The Panic of 1819 CAUSES???

15 Panic of paralyzing economic panic - debtors prisons - nat’l financial crisis - overspeculation on Western lands - Bank of U.S. forced speculative “wildcat” western banks to foreclose on farms - western debtor saw the Bank of U.S. as “evil” - furor in social world as poor become visibly poorer

16 The West & the NW:

17 US Population Density 1810 1820

18 The Tallmadge Amendment
All slaves born in Missouri after the territory became a state would be freed at the age of 25. Passed by the House, not in the Senate. The North controlled the House, and the South had enough power to block it in the Senate. The Tallmadge Amendment

19 The Compromise of 1820: A Firebell in the Night!

20 The Missouri Compromise
Brokered by Henry Clay (The Great Compromiser) Missouri admitted as slave state Maine admitted as free state Rest of Louisiana territory north of latitude 36 30, slavery was prohibited

21 Election of 1820 With the Panic of 1819 and the Tallmadge Amendment and the Missouri Compromise it seems the Era of Good Feelings has gone flat…. But smooth-spoken James Monroe is elected again

22 The Election of 1820

23 The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Referred to as America’s Self-Defense Doctrine. What warning is given to the European countries? What foreign policy principles are established? Monroe Doctrine What would the US do if the warning was not headed?

24 Monroe Doctrine - Restoration of European monarchies after Napoleon’s
fall worried American in Western hemisphere Russia’s presence in Alaska worries British and Americans - should they work together? Secretary of State John Adams brilliantly engineers Monroe Doctrine President James Monroe delivers the Monroe Doctrine - the ultimate nationalistic command - “STAY OUR OF OUR BACKYARD”

25 The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain”

26 The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain”
Candidate Popular Vote Electoral Vote Andrew Jackson 43% 99 J.Q. Adams 31% 32 William Crawford 13% 41 Henry Clay 37

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