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The House On Mango Street

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1 The House On Mango Street
Socratic Seminar “Sally” – “Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes”

2 “Sally” and “Minerva writes Poems” pp. 81-85
What do you think is the purpose of Sandra Cisneros including these two chapters in the book even though Esperanza isn’t the focus of them?

3 “bums in the attic” pp 1) What does Esperanza mean by this statement: “People who live on hills live so close to the stars they forget those of us who live too much on earth” (Cisneros 86). 2) Why will Esperanza “be happy” to someday allow “bums” to sleep in her attic?

4 “a smart cookie” pp.90-91 Esperanza’s mother says, “Shame is a bad thing, you know. It keeps you down. You want to know why I quit school? Because I didn’t have nice clothes. No clothes, but I had brains. Yup, I was a smart cookie then” (Cisneros 91). 1) What happened to Esperanza’s mother when she was in school? 2) What is a “smart cookie”? 3) Do you think Esperanza’s mother is being sarcastic when she calls herself a “smart cookie”? Why or why not?

5 “the monkey garden” pp. 94-98
At first the monkey garden sounds beautiful, but then after the family moves away, it turns into a rotted, abandoned place. Why does Esperanza love being in the garden and then later hate it instead?

6 “the three sisters” pp. 103-105
Who are the three Fates in Greek mythology? How are the Fates like the three sisters in this chapter? What is their prediction for Esperanza? How does their prediction come true?

7 “…One day you’ll come back too” (cisneros 107).
In the last two chapters, what has happened to Esperanza? 2) Re-read the last four paragraphs of the book. What does Esperanza mean when she says “I write it down and Mango says goodbye sometimes. She does not hold me with both arms. She sets me free” (Cisneros 110). What does Esperanza mean when she says, “They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out” (Cisneros 110).

8 Closing question Why is The House on Mango Street considered a work of literary merit? Explain your opinion with specific reasons.

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