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A Critical Analysis by Mrs. Robertson

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1 A Critical Analysis by Mrs. Robertson
Twilight By Stephanie Meyers A Critical Analysis by Mrs. Robertson

2 Point of View Analysis The story is told from a 1st Person point of view. This is extremely effective because it keeps the reader guessing about the motivations of the other characters. For example, when Bella first meets Edward, he looks at her as though he is going to kill her. Even other students in the class notice his reaction. We can only assess the situation from Bella’s point of view. This creates suspense. If we were to be able to see into his thoughts, we would know automatically his motivations. Not knowing what Edward is thinking, though, keeps the reader engaged. You must keep reading to figure it out!

3 Bella – The Protagonist

4 Bella’s Unique Qualities
Intelligent Bella is one of the smartest kids in her class. She reads challenging novels, and many of the things she is learning in school she already knows. Self-Sacrificing Bella is willing to give her own life to save her mother’s life when James threatens her. Self-conscious Bella does not understand how Edward could possibly be interested in her. She feels as though she isn’t as pretty as other girls. Determined When Bella sets her mind to do something, she does it! Brave Bella stands up to James even though she knows she might die. She also hangs out with VAMPIRES! (Duh!)

5 Minor Character- Renee, Bella’s Mother

6 Renee, Bella’s Mother Selfish Renee chooses to go off with her new husband and sends Bella away to make life easier. Child-like Bella had to spend most of her time growing up taking care of her mother. A “Romantic” According to Bella, Renee easily falls for men who sweep her off her feet. Needy She always needs people to take care of her (either Bella or her husband). An “Alarmist” As soon as Bella doesn’t write her for a few days, she assumes things are really wrong with her.

7 Setting Time: Present Place: Small Rural Town in Washington (the state) Surrounded by the wilderness Environment: It is always overcast – very few sunny days

8 Setting The setting greatly impacts the story. First, the location is perfect for vampires. It is not often sunny (vampires in this book look very strange in the sunlight), so the vampires do not have to worry about being “found out.” Also, there are a lot of animals in the wilderness nearby. This provides an opportunity for the vampires to hunt non-human prey (like mountain lions, deer, etc).

9 Plot Diagram X Climax: James tricks Bella into coming to the X Problem/Conflict: Bella is dealing with the dangers that go along with loving a vampire. X Falling Action 1. Edward kills James. 2. Edward sucks the venom out of Bella’s blood stream. Rising Action: 1. Bella and Edward begin to hang out. 2. Bella gets introduced to Edward’s family. 3. During a family baseball game, Victoria, Laurent, and James wander into the clearing. 4. James starts to track Bella and Edward tries to save her. 5. Bella goes to Pheonix to try to save her mother. X X Setting: Present Time; Small town Resolution: Bella and Edward return to their hometown and continue their relationship. X X Main Characters: Bella & Edward (the vampire) Minor Characters: Bella’s father, Charlie (police chief); Edward’s family; Bella’s school friends

10 Most Memorable Scene The scene that stands out most in my mind is when the vampires are all playing baseball in the field and Laurent, James, and Victoria (three nomadic vampires) come across the game. This is when the main conflict in the story begins. James decides he wants the challenge of tracking Bella and killing her.

11 Most Memorable Scene

12 Critical Analysis This was a very entertaining book. At times, it was difficult to put down. Though it was entertaining, I was disappointed by the climax of the story. I expected to see a descriptive fight, but instead, Bella was knocked out and the fight was told from a second-hand story later on. I would have enjoyed reading about the struggle as it happened. I think she missed a prime opportunity to hook a reader!

13 The End

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